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28-02-2017 09:34

Roberta Pini

Good morning,I am looking for the paper by Lundqvi

05-02-2025 04:38

Ethan Crenson

Hi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten

04-02-2025 20:26


BonsoirJe pense que c'est Mollisia cinereaJ'ai hé

02-02-2025 15:07

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Hello everyone! While working through the finds f

01-02-2025 18:00

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello,anybody has the following article:Botryospha

01-02-2025 10:01

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

found in the soil, in olive trees and Pistacia ver

29-01-2025 18:12

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, he encontrado estos pequeños Ascos liqueniz

01-02-2025 20:32

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap

30-01-2025 14:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi! Found this one on or next to some Juncus speci

30-01-2025 10:32

victor servranckx

Hello, I am a biology student from Belgium and on

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Literature aide
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2024 15:39
Enrique RubioCould you help me with a pdf copy of this article?
Many thanks in advance

Holubová-Jechová V. (1973) Lignicolous hyphomycetes from Czechoslovakia 3. Sporoschisma, Sporoschismopsis and Catenularia. Folia Geobotanica and Phytotaxonomica 8: 209–218.
Martin Bemmann, 01-06-2024 15:47
Martin Bemmann
Re : Literature aide
Hi Enrique,

I will send it.


Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová), 01-06-2024 15:48
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)
Re : Literature aide
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2024 16:50
Enrique Rubio
Re : Literature aide
thank you very much to both of you!
Angel Pintos, 01-06-2024 19:11
Angel Pintos
Re : Literature aide
Can I get a copy of it?

Martin Bemmann, 01-06-2024 19:15
Martin Bemmann
Re : Literature aide
Bernard Declercq, 02-06-2024 09:24
Bernard Declercq
Re : Literature aide
Thanks in advance for sending me a copy too.

Martin Bemmann, 02-06-2024 09:34
Martin Bemmann
Re : Literature aide
it is on the way...