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29-12-2024 09:42

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Anyone familiar with these starlike hyphomycetes?O

28-12-2024 18:20

Filip Fuljer Filip Fuljer

Dear all,today (28 Dec. 2024), I discovered some s

28-12-2024 11:14

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On decorticated wood of Populus. I foun

23-12-2024 22:59

Lucian Clanet Lucian Clanet

Hello,I'm trying to find information about the Hyp

26-12-2024 19:29

ruiz Jose antonio

Hola a todos, este ejemplar no tendría más de 1m

02-12-2024 16:13

Paul Diederich Paul Diederich

Flora of Lichenicolous FungiVolume 2 · Hyphomycet

25-12-2024 19:07

Dirk Baert

Hello,I found this fungi on a slime mould.I think

23-12-2024 18:18

Rot Bojan

Hello!I've been working with this small fungus for

21-12-2024 12:45

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On naked wood of Fagus, I found some ha

24-12-2024 09:02

Charles Aron Charles Aron

Hi All, Recently I found this orange Disco growin

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Christmas stars
Marc Detollenaere, 29-12-2024 09:42
Marc DetollenaereAnyone familiar with these starlike hyphomycetes?
On Fraxinus excelsior. Conidia hyaline 6.3-7x2.6µ.
cf Geminoarcus.

  • message #81150
  • message #81150
  • message #81150
  • message #81150
  • message #81150
Castillo Joseba, 29-12-2024 09:53
Castillo Joseba
Re : Christmas stars
Quizá Digitodochium  ??

Felices fiestas

Marc Detollenaere, 29-12-2024 11:53
Marc Detollenaere
Re : Christmas stars
Indeed Joseba,
It completely matches with the description of the anamorph of Digitodochium amoenae from Voglmayr in Persoonia 2022
Thank you very much and best wishes
