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30-08-2024 20:06

Dirk Gerstner

Mollisia on Typha_angustifolia I found the follow

30-08-2024 19:48

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir, J'aimerais avoir votre avis sur ce Cordy

28-08-2024 18:26

Peter Welt Peter Welt

BARRON GL, CAIN RF, GILMAN JC (1961): A revision o

27-08-2024 19:03

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

I found some Hymenoscyphus-like apothecia on cupul

27-08-2024 17:12

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I would like to consult this little Peziza,

26-08-2024 16:30

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,yesterday I collected this Phaeohelotium on

24-08-2024 22:11

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolté au milieu d'un ruisseau. Est-il

22-08-2024 17:10

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I have this collection of Ciboria gallincola

22-08-2024 17:59

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hi!I just wonder if Peziza badia can exude plenty

20-08-2024 23:32

Alden Dirks

Any ideas on what this Leotiomycetes growing on Ph

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Chris Yeates
Caroline Hobart, 21-10-2023 10:13
I am letting you know that our good friend and colleague Chris Yeates had a heart attack yesterday and unfortunately the medical team were unable to resuscitate him.

This as you can imagine came as a huge shock as I was meeting him tomorrow as he had been assisting in the arrangements for the BMS autumn meeting in East Ayton, Yorkshire, UK.

The only consolation is that he was looking forward to the meeting and so passed away anticipating what he enjoyed the most.

Chris had remarkable recall for nearly everything – fungi, birds, plants, tv comedy scripts, Captain Beefheart lyrics ... A great friend and a great loss.

Chris had been to the doctors a couple of weeks ago and had complained of spells of dizziness which he had put down to the colder weather and his asthma.

The 51 participants in scarborough will try to ensure that we work hard this next week to increase the Yorkshire sp list. This was his life passion, his aim and he was well on with this project.

I'm sorry to have to pass on this very sad news to you.
Carol Hobart

Enrique Rubio, 21-10-2023 10:37
Enrique Rubio
Re : Chris Yeates
Dear Caroline
I deeply regret his death. He was a good person and a great naturalist. My condolences to his family and friends.
Castillo Joseba, 21-10-2023 13:43
Castillo Joseba
Re : Chris Yeates
Lamento mucho el fallecimiento
Charles Aron, 21-10-2023 14:14
Charles Aron
Re : Chris Yeates
Hi Carol, 

I never met Chris but correponded with him on several occasions. I remember being very impressed with his detailed and thoroughly researched posts on Ascofrance. I was looking forward to going to Scarborough and meeting up with him. What an untimely blow.

Michel Delpont, 21-10-2023 15:14
Michel Delpont
Re : Chris Yeates
Sincere condolences to all his friends and loved ones.

Always good advice and ready to share his knowledge and documentation.


Martin Bemmann, 21-10-2023 17:21
Martin Bemmann
Re : Chris Yeates
Another untimely loss!

Correspondence with him was always a joy. He was one of the backbones of our forum.

Hoyo Pilar, 21-10-2023 17:41
Re : Chris Yeates
¡Lamento profundamente su pérdida!

Mi más sentido pésame a la familia, amigos, amigas y compañeras.

Un abrazo.

Lothar Krieglsteiner, 21-10-2023 18:33
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : Chris Yeates
Dies ist eine sehr traurige Nachricht.
Hans-Otto Baral, 21-10-2023 20:30
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Chris Yeates
Hi Carol!

I am also shocked by this news which already Michel gave me. He seems to have had about the age of mine. My last contact to him was in April, I now regret. I owe him many fine documentations of special discomycetes, and he was always helpful.

I like to remember the meeting in Sheffield in May 2011, where we worked as neighbors with Brian Spooner and Mariko Parslow.

  • message #77197
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 21-10-2023 20:38
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re : Chris Yeates
Siento mucho la perdida de Chris, mis condolencias para los familiares y amigos.
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová), 21-10-2023 21:08
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)
Re : Chris Yeates
Very sad news.
I have never met Chris in person, but we communicated several times via email... he was always very nice and willing to help with improving English in our papers on bryophilous ascomycetes, although it was clear I will never be able to do a similar service for him to repay.
Peter Thompson, 21-10-2023 22:31
Re : Chris Yeates
I am also very sorry to read about Chris Yeates' passing. My condolences to his family at this sad time. Chris was the most talented English worker on the ascomycota bar none.

From the timing of the heart attack, the BMS must shoulder most of the blame for this untimely death. Too much organising stress prior to the foray event, which would have continued throughout and without which, Chris would be very likely to be alive today. 
Shame on you BMS!

RIP Chris!


Riet van Oosten, 21-10-2023 22:47
Riet van Oosten
Re : Chris Yeates
What a great loss!
Chris was always helpful and shared his knowledge.
Condolences to his loved ones and friends.

Michel RIMBAUD, 22-10-2023 10:27
Re : Chris Yeates
Great condoleances to his familly and friends.
I didn't personnaly knew Chris but I sometimes had exchanges with him through this forum. He made always acutate answers with always kindly words.
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 22-10-2023 10:57
Re : Chris Yeates
A great loss for all of us.
Michel Hairaud, 23-10-2023 17:59
Michel Hairaud
Re : Chris Yeates
Dear Carol, dear all, 

I do join in the saddened thoughts already expressed here.
Chris never hesitated to share his knowledge, on this Ascofrance forum as well as to personal requests, to which he responded very quickly.
He was also very involved in the editorial board of our journal.
Besides mycology, I regularly noticed that Chris was a deeply concerned person with the social and even civilizational events or crisis  to which we could be exposed. 
I - we- will strongly miss him
On behalf of the entire Ascofrance and team, I extend my sincere condolences to his loved ones and his mycologist colleagues and friends.

Alain GARDIENNET, 24-10-2023 07:48
Re : Chris Yeates
Dear Caroline, dear friends

I can only join everyone in expressing my deep sadness at losing a gentleman of mycology, a loyal member of Ascofrance, a friend, and my regret at never having, en vrai,  met Chris.
What he left here on Ascofrance will live on forever.
Josep Torres, 27-10-2023 16:41
Josep Torres
Re : Chris Yeates
Lamento muy profundamente su fallecimiento.
Mis condolencias para la familia y amigos.