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25-09-2024 22:18

Bometon Javier Bometon Javier

Apotecios 100 y 350 um, estipitados.Pararafisis la

25-09-2024 14:24

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Rutstroemia, and pos

26-09-2024 17:25

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Does someone have a pdf of this paper? I have it

23-09-2024 17:24

Karen Poulsen

Hi there, I found a few very small apothecia on o

24-09-2024 18:27

Pierre-Yves Julien

Récolte le 01/09/2024 – Paris (75) – France â

25-09-2024 20:07

François Bartholomeeusen

After I dipped a fallen Ilex leaf in water for a d

22-09-2024 20:24

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Dear all, I did found this one on on S. acauli

23-09-2024 20:46

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Gelatinodiscaeae.•

24-09-2024 11:35

Peter Welt Peter Welt

Search Looking for an item again. Who can help? T

06-07-2020 05:51

Yulia Lytvynenko Yulia Lytvynenko

Dear friends.Looking for a copy of the following w

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On Ribes spicatum
Mirek Gryc, 21-04-2020 16:19
Hi everyone
I found a species unknown to me again.
I can ask for help in identifying.
Thank you in advance
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  • message #62799
Hermann Voglmayr, 21-04-2020 20:14
Hermann Voglmayr
Re : On Ribes spicatum
Compare with Diaporthe strumella.

Cheers, Hermann
Mirek Gryc, 21-04-2020 20:26
Re : On Ribes spicatum
Hi Hermann
I compared but according to: THE BRITISH SPECIES OF THE GENUS DIA-PORTHE NITS. AND ITS SEGREGATES * BY L. E. WEHMEYER, in my collection, the spores are too big for this species? And especially too wide.
They should have: 11-15 x 2-3um.
Are there any other species found on Ribes?
Hermann Voglmayr, 21-04-2020 21:23
Hermann Voglmayr
Re : On Ribes spicatum

yes, there is e,g. a Diaporthe longisporum described from North American Ribes, with longer spores (15-23 x 3-4 µm). However, if your spores are just a little bit larger and wider (you don't give measurements...), this may be within the range of variability. And you have to consider that Wehmeyer (and others) measured the spores from herbarium specimens, where the spores are often distinctly smaller than in vital material, and you also have to consider that the size ranges of spores of Diaporthe can vary substantially depending on the development and maturity of the specimen. So, the published size ranges obtained from a few specimens often do not correctly mirror the natural variation.

But Diaporthe is a difficult genus...


Mirek Gryc, 21-04-2020 21:38
Re : On Ribes spicatum
Hi Hermann
Then my specimens may be Diaporthe strumella.

The dimensions of the spores are given in the photo with spores.

Yes, you are right, most specimens were already very mature.
Thank you and best regards
Alain GARDIENNET, 21-04-2020 22:01
Re : On Ribes spicatum

Hi Hermann,

When you say "But Diaporthe is a difficult genus...", I believe you. Happy that you give your knowledge concerning Diaporthales. Please keep in touch with Ascofrance, it's the season !
