28-02-2017 09:34
Roberta PiniGood morning,I am looking for the paper by Lundqvi
05-02-2025 04:38
Ethan CrensonHi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten
01-02-2025 10:01
Vasileios Kaounasfound in the soil, in olive trees and Pistacia ver
01-02-2025 20:32
Andreas GminderHello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap
30-01-2025 14:54
Karl Soler KinnerbäckHi! Found this one on or next to some Juncus speci
30-01-2025 10:32
victor servranckxHello, I am a biology student from Belgium and on
Literatura Scutellinia
Pablo Sandoval,
06-03-2017 16:27
Alguno de ustedes me podría facilitar la monografía del género Scutellinia:
Schumacher, T. 1990. The genus Scutellinia (Pyronemataceae).
Opera Bot. 101: 1-107.
Además, quería preguntarles si alguno de ustedes sabe algo acerca de Beñat Jeannerot, con quien hablabamos mucho acerca de este interesante género y de su presencia en Chile, pero con el que perdí toda comunicación hace ya mucho tiempo,
Se agradece su ayuda,
Saludos desde Chile
Lothar Krieglsteiner,
06-03-2017 16:44
Re : Literatura Scutellinia
I do not have the whole paper - but the key :-)
If somebody has the whole paper, I would be interested, too.
Best regards, Lothar
Enrique Rubio,
06-03-2017 16:49
Re : Literatura Scutellinia
Hi Pablo and Lothar
I send you it by Wetransfer
I send you it by Wetransfer
Pablo Sandoval,
06-03-2017 16:57
Re : Literatura Scutellinia
Muchas gracias Enrique!
Un abrazo!
Un abrazo!
Lothar Krieglsteiner,
06-03-2017 17:43
Re : Literatura Scutellinia
Hi Enrique,
fantastic - thank you very much!
Best regards, Lothar
Ueli Graf,
08-03-2017 20:44
Re : Literatura Scutellinia
Hello Enrique,
Would also interest me
Would also interest me
Lepista Zacarias,
08-03-2017 22:54
Re : Literatura Scutellinia
Lepista Zacarias,
09-03-2017 01:06
Re : Literatura Scutellinia
Thank you so much, Enrique.
Best wishes,
Best wishes,
Zoltan Lukacs,
09-03-2017 15:03
Re : Literatura Scutellinia
Hi Enrique,
Could you please, send it to me too?
Thank you
Could you please, send it to me too?
Thank you
Zoltan Lukacs,
09-03-2017 15:40
Re : Literatura Scutellinia
Thank you so much!!!