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16-01-2025 22:50


BonsoirJ'ai récupéré cet échantillon comme ét

17-01-2025 21:21

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On a nonidentified Myxo (Didymium?) I f

18-01-2025 04:46

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hello! I think this might interest someone... I

17-01-2025 17:20

David Chapados David Chapados

Hi, Would it be possible to find the species of t

18-01-2025 01:04

Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber

Good evening, in an open oak forest in Burgenland

17-01-2025 12:36

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Dear friends.This fungus was growing on dead termi

14-01-2025 10:11

Margot en Geert Vullings

On a dead branch of Cryptomeria that has been lyin

17-01-2025 18:35

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

I am yet again looking as some dried specimens of

16-01-2025 21:26

William Slosse William Slosse

Good evening all,I have little to no experience wi

17-01-2025 15:52

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

found on a rotten branch Pinus or Quercus diamete

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anamorph on Eucalyptus wood from the Algarve (Portugal)
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 14-02-2016 01:18
Lothar Krieglsteiner

When I collected this, it remindet me of a Heterobasidiomycete - and when I put it under the slide it was "sliding" from side to side first.

Some time ago I learnt here that for instance Chaetospermum is a basidiomycete - but ...

... likely I show you the anamorph of some ascomycete.

When preparing it was obvious that there are two different hyphae - hyaline ones and dark ones embedded everywhere in the hyaline ones. The conidia are very small.

Can somebody provide me with a name or a hint?

Regards from Lothar

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  • message #40874
Joey JTan, 14-02-2016 01:58
Re : anamorph on Eucalyptus wood from the Algarve (Portugal)
This looks like Leucogloea compressa, a basidiomycete anamorph, but I'm not sure about the dematiaceous anamorph, perhaps unrelated and parasitizing or growing with the sporodochial fungus.

Lothar Krieglsteiner, 14-02-2016 02:09
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : anamorph on Eucalyptus wood from the Algarve (Portugal)

Hello Joey,

thank you very much for your proposal - this sounds good and as I thought it is a heterobasidiomycete. You think the black hyphae are a parasite - yes, why not?

Best regards from Lothar