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30-01-2025 14:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi! Found this one on or next to some Juncus speci

30-01-2025 10:32

victor servranckx

Hello, I am a biology student from Belgium and on

30-01-2025 11:52

Margot en Geert Vullings

On a fallen Alnus twig we found this anamorph with

01-02-2023 19:38

Riet van Oosten Riet van Oosten

Hello, Found yesterday on Tilia. Are there two k

29-01-2025 18:12

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, he encontrado estos pequeños Ascos liqueniz

28-01-2025 11:36

Stephen Martin Stephen Martin

Hello, I have found plants of Euphorbia peplus and

28-01-2025 18:00

Thomas Flammer

Substrate: Needle Picea AbiesAsci: IKI+ (blue)Shor

23-01-2025 15:46

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

Could I have peoples opinion on this Geoglossum.Wi

24-01-2025 18:09

Nogueira Héctor

19/01/2025 Villameca (León) España  Buenas En

28-01-2025 07:57

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour à tous,On cupules of FagusApo de 0.8 à 2

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Mollisia ligni?
Garcia Susana, 15-04-2014 17:34
Hi all:

Ascomycete collected on hardwood, probably oak.
From the data, I think that it may be Mollisia ligni, but I would like someone to confirm me.

Thank you,


  • message #28804
  • message #28804
  • message #28804
  • message #28804
Hans-Otto Baral, 15-04-2014 17:55
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mollisia ligni?
Yes,  agree. The spores sound a bit large, I remember them shorter.
Martin Bemmann, 15-04-2014 19:17
Martin Bemmann
Re : Mollisia ligni?
Hi Susana and Zotto,

I had a collection of M.l. on oak where I wrote down 9.2-12.7x1.8-2.8 µm for the spores, close to Susana's figures.

Hans-Otto Baral, 15-04-2014 21:07
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mollisia ligni?
The rather many measurements I have were between 6-9 and 7.5-10.5 x 2-2.8 µm

Enrique Rubio, 15-04-2014 21:12
Enrique Rubio
Re : Mollisia ligni?
6.2-9.7 x 2.1-2.7 in my collection on Sorbus (Ascofrance card)
Garcia Susana, 15-04-2014 22:46
Re : Mollisia ligni?
Thanks to all three

I saw that the spore size was large, but the number of measures was low and therefore not very representative.

