13-01-2025 20:17
Jorge HernanzBuenas tardes, adjunto datos de éste pequeño pez
10-01-2025 18:19
Marc DetollenaereDear Forum,I found some colonies of orange coloure
12-01-2025 12:52
Thomas FlammerSpores cylindrical-fusiform, 7 times septated, IKI
10-01-2025 11:24
Wim de GrootWe found this small black spots on perennial stem
11-01-2025 19:32
Jean-Luc RangerBonjour, je me demande si cette Helvelle ne serait
09-01-2025 20:35
Miguel Ángel RibesGood afternoon This small pink ascomycete, 2 mm i
10-01-2025 03:04
Masanori KutsunaHello, Does anyone have following article and cou
09-01-2025 17:28
Yanick BOULANGERBonsoirRécolté par un ami sur un tilleulJ'ai tr
Diatrypella tocciaeana
Enrique Rubio,
06-01-2010 18:49
Is Diatrypella tocciaeana on Alnus bark a good species actually? I can see that the Index Fungorum sinonimize it with D. favacea, but I believe to see very differences with it.
Mny thanks¡
Jacques Fournier,
06-01-2010 20:32
Re:Diatrypella tocciaeana
I agree it is troublesome but since Croxall revised the genus (1950) the situation did not evolve. Based on microscopic and cultural data he synonymized several taxa with D. favacea, regardless of differences in the morphology of stromata he considered related to the texture of host bark.
This should be reevaluated with modern tools but Diatrypaceae is not trendy!
But if you gather enough data supporting the splitting of D. favacea, things may change!
Best wishes,
I agree it is troublesome but since Croxall revised the genus (1950) the situation did not evolve. Based on microscopic and cultural data he synonymized several taxa with D. favacea, regardless of differences in the morphology of stromata he considered related to the texture of host bark.
This should be reevaluated with modern tools but Diatrypaceae is not trendy!
But if you gather enough data supporting the splitting of D. favacea, things may change!
Best wishes,
Enrique Rubio,
07-01-2010 17:09
Re:Diatrypella tocciaeana
Many thanks for your advices, Jacques.
The time will say some thing to us...
The time will say some thing to us...