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27-08-2023 23:05

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Dear colleages,today I found a strinkingly bright

26-08-2023 20:03

Rubén Martínez-Gil Rubén Martínez-Gil

Hola a todos.Subo unas fotos de un Ascobolus que e

05-06-2023 11:09

Alex Konig Alex Konig

Hello fun-guys. I found around march , a little a

27-08-2023 10:31

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Del 11 de agosto  en bosque de abetosA ver si se

16-10-2022 11:22

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonjour, Nous n'avons toujours pas récolu l'éni

25-07-2023 09:34

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonjour à tous, Sur branche morte décortiquée

22-08-2023 18:51

Shane John

I am trying to locate a paper by Kirk (1984) in My

23-08-2023 17:29

Bernard Declercq Bernard Declercq

Hello,I am looking for following paper:E Hüsey?n,

23-08-2023 07:19

Zuidland Peter

Hello all,I need assistance with the ID of this in

22-08-2023 20:38

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi friendsThese isolated, non-stromatic, blackish,

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Yellow Ascomycetes on Picea cone
Thomas Flammer, 12-09-2023 09:16
On a pinus cone I found some very small round Ascos (1 mm). Elliptical spores. Spore size 3,5 x 8,5 and Ascus length of around 80 ym. The content of the paraphyses in Barals solution looks kind of banded.
8.4 - 10.8 x 3.7 - 4.6 ?m - ØQ:2.4 )
Ascus Jod negative
  • message #76900
  • message #76900
  • message #76900
Hans-Otto Baral, 12-09-2023 10:26
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Yellow Ascomycetes on Picea cone
Important is 1. the excipulum and 2. the contents of the living paraphyses, not the dead ones (IKI kills the cells within a short time). 3. Asci with amyloid ring?