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24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

21-07-2024 10:13

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

19-07-2024 10:24

Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

21-07-2024 10:28

Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

19-07-2024 11:08

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

21-07-2024 06:23

Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

08-07-2024 23:34

Villalonga Paco

Small Scutellinia growing in garden soil (calcareo

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Discomycete on cuppue of Fagus
Bernard Declercq, 06-11-2021 16:35
Bernard DeclercqDear all,

Collected on cupule of Fagus sylvatica last week:
Apothecia discoid, sessile on a small base, 0.4-0.6 mm diam. bright yellow.
Asci clavate, conical apex, 8-spored, 74-95x11-12 µm, strongly IKI blue, with croziers.
Ascospores fusiform, straight to slightly curved, 19-24x2.5-3 µm, 1(-3)-septate, constricted at the middle septum, OCI 0-1, smooth, hyaline.
Paraphyses with elongate refractive body, 2-3 µm diam., apex covered by bright yellow exudate.
Ectal excipulum composed of subglobose cells, which become more elongated towards the margin, cells covered by bright yellow exudate.
Your help would be appreciated.


  • message #70554
  • message #70554
  • message #70554
Viktorie Halasu, 06-11-2021 17:39
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Discomycete on cuppue of Fagus

interesting, could it be related to Zotto's Calycina "aesculi"?
Hans-Otto Baral, 06-11-2021 18:12
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Discomycete on cuppue of Fagus
Hi Bernard

this yellow pigment strongly reminds me of Luteodiscus on mosses! Did you try KOH on it? Luteodiscus turns distinctly pink under the mic. or macroscopically.

Calycina aesculi is a white fungus and has VBs in the paraphyses. This one appears to lack VBs.

Bernard Declercq, 07-11-2021 09:45
Bernard Declercq
Re : Discomycete on cuppue of Fagus
Hi Viktorie and Zotto,

Thanks for your prompt answer.
Indeed, the apothecia turn reddish rose in KOH 10%. Moreover, the apothecia are reddissh brown once dry (without KOH pretreatment).
Zotto, do you have aby literature about Luteodiscus, genus I do not know?

Best regards,


  • message #70567
  • message #70567
Hans-Otto Baral, 07-11-2021 10:12
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Discomycete on cuppue of Fagus
Good ascus photo! On the macro I cannot see clearly the colours, but it is very interesting that you could confirm this rfeaction!

The genus is undescribed as are the two species in it. This is highly astonishing since the fungus is frequent. I must admit I never found it myself, but the reason is that it prefers acidic rocks.

You can find numerous images in my Hyaloscyphaceae folder under Luteodiscus.

Peter Döbbeler detected the fungus in many herbarium specimens but also he is unaware of a description.

So your collection would be the first on a non-bryophyte substrate! And it is clearly a different species with larger asci and spores.

How many apos do you have and would it be possible to collect more?
