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24-01-2025 18:09

Nogueira Héctor

19/01/2025 Villameca (León) España  Buenas En

26-01-2025 00:18

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi! Anyone know this one? Spores 14-18 x 4-4

23-01-2025 17:09

Karen Poulsen

Hi all Could this be P. merdae? Found on differe

22-01-2025 15:56

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found in sandy soil, in forest with Pinus halepens

24-01-2025 19:39

Margot en Geert Vullings

We found these orange dics on horse dung.We think

24-01-2025 18:39

Jean-Luc Ranger

Bonjour, j'ai ce petit ascome d'1,5 mm de diamètr

23-01-2025 15:46

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

Could I have peoples opinion on this Geoglossum.Wi

23-01-2025 23:32


BonsoirSur tige d'herbacé (non reconnue)Yanick

22-01-2025 18:14

Jean-Luc Ranger

Bonjour, J'ai trouvé sur une Helvella un feutrage

19-01-2025 18:36

William Slosse William Slosse

Good evening everyone, on 16-01-2025 I found this

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Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
Florian Prell, 21-06-2016 15:05
Florian PrellHello Together,

last week i found a few interesting fungi growing on dead culm of Verbascum cf. thapsus near of Gießen, Germany. I checked three of the hyphomycetes for their microscopic features and need a confirmation or name suggestions for them.

The first one should be nothing else than Dendryphion comosum, the second one should be a Periconia sp. (maybe Periconia byssoides?), growing together with Lachnella villosa. For the third one i have no idea for a name and even if it belongs into a genera of hyphomycetes. The last one was growing on the outside of the old inflorescence of the Verbascum

Has anybody any idea, especially for the species of Periconia and the unknown fungus? I can also show more details and give more information for every fungus if necessary.

Thank you very much in advance,
  • message #43458
  • message #43458
  • message #43458
David Malloch, 21-06-2016 15:42
David Malloch
Re : Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
Hello Florian,

The last fungus in your set is a species of Scopinella, possibly S. solani.  Scopinella species are ascomycetes with asci that dissolve within the centrum.  The ascospores are barrel-shaped with terminal germ pores.

Florian Prell, 21-06-2016 15:48
Florian Prell
Re : Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
Hello David,

thank you very much for your help! Is the distinct Ascocarp typical for S. solani?

Best regards,
David Malloch, 21-06-2016 16:00
David Malloch
Re : Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
Hello Florian,

Yes, yours has ascocarps typical for species of Scopinella.  All the species I have seen have a long neck like that.  
Walter Gams, 21-06-2016 17:31
Walter Gams
Re : Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
To my knowlege, Scopinella species are not host-specific. Your first picture clearly shows Torula herbarum.
Schöne Grüße  Walter
Florian Prell, 21-06-2016 18:08
Florian Prell
Re : Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
Hello David, Hallo Walter,

thank you both very much for your help. Of course Torula herbarum fits much better to the number one when i compare the material that i can find in the internet:-).
Is there any microscopic possibility to clearly identify the Scopinella on species level or is it necessary to do the cultivation? 

Best regards,
David Malloch, 21-06-2016 19:07
David Malloch
Re : Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
Hello Florian,

There is a discussion of Scopinella on this forum at  Perz Piotr provided a key to species there.

Florian Prell, 22-06-2016 09:02
Florian Prell
Re : Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
Hello David,

thank you very much for the link, it is really helpfull.

Has anybody an idea, if the number two might be Periconia byssoides

Best regards,
Vivien Hodge, 22-06-2016 11:38
Re : Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
Hi Florian

It appears pretty typical of Periconia byssoides. At the bottom of the photo showing the conidiophore there appears to be a ring of conidia below the head, as well as the group on the apex. That is characteristic of P. byssoides, the ring of conidia should be below a septum, which I cannot actually see, so worth looking for. The spore size is OK as well, 10-15 is given in E&E. 

All the best
Florian Prell, 23-06-2016 15:11
Florian Prell
Re : Three Hyphomycetes on Verbascum
Hello Vivien,

thank you very much! I will check the collection again for the septum. 

Best regards,