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19-10-2024 16:44

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Hymenoscyphus (s.s.)

17-10-2024 11:14

Michel Hairaud Michel Hairaud

Bonjour, Voici un Ciboria actuellement présent s

13-10-2024 09:31

Maria Plekkenpol

Hello, I hope someone can help :). On dung of (wil

18-10-2024 18:12

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi to somebodyI have seen that there are some dive

17-10-2024 17:33

Gustaf Fredell Gustaf Fredell

Hello,A while ago I collected this pyrenomycete wh

14-10-2024 23:05

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Hi. I'm looking for the description of Anisomerid

16-10-2024 21:58

Philippe  Larue Philippe Larue

Bonjour à tous, que pensez-vous de cette petite

16-10-2024 12:29

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Chloroscypha was suggested to me, macro and ha

14-10-2024 09:27

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, tengo esta muestra recogida sobre rama de ha

13-10-2024 12:27

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Ascocoryne.• The l

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Dialonectria magnusiana/Diatrypella sur Acer
Stoykov Dimitar, 02-06-2016 12:43
Stoykov DimitarDear friends,

In march  came up with ripe material of Dialonectria on black stromata of Diatrypella (Acer twig).

Ascomata are less than 0.5 mm in diam., reddish, in small groups.

Asci not observed. Ascospores (13-) 13.5- 20 (-22) x (6-) 6.5-8 µm.

It looks like Dialonectria magnusiana.


Best regards,
