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25-09-2024 22:18

Bometon Javier Bometon Javier

Apotecios 100 y 350 um, estipitados.Pararafisis la

25-09-2024 14:24

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Rutstroemia, and pos

26-09-2024 17:25

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Does someone have a pdf of this paper? I have it

23-09-2024 17:24

Karen Poulsen

Hi there, I found a few very small apothecia on o

24-09-2024 18:27

Pierre-Yves Julien

Récolte le 01/09/2024 – Paris (75) – France â

25-09-2024 20:07

François Bartholomeeusen

After I dipped a fallen Ilex leaf in water for a d

22-09-2024 20:24

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Dear all, I did found this one on on S. acauli

23-09-2024 20:46

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Gelatinodiscaeae.•

24-09-2024 11:35

Peter Welt Peter Welt

Search Looking for an item again. Who can help? T

06-07-2020 05:51

Yulia Lytvynenko Yulia Lytvynenko

Dear friends.Looking for a copy of the following w

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Trichonectria sp.
Maren Kamke, 22-08-2015 14:49
Maren KamkeHi eveybody,
on Pyrenomycetes sp. on bark of an immersed twig of deciduous wood, I found this Trichonectria sp. It measures 0,25 mm, yellow with thickwalled dark brown, septate setae, 50-100 x 4-6 µm. Asci 79-150 * 10-13, 8-spored. Spores hyalin (40,5-50) 43,05 x 3,83 (3,3-4) µm, 7-9-septate mostly 8. Ascomata slightly brown with KOH.
Regards, Maren
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  • message #37644
Christian Lechat, 22-08-2015 19:07
Christian Lechat
Re : Trichonectria sp.
Dear Maren,
 I think that your fungus is not Hypocreales, maybe you should search in the Tubeufiaceae.

Martin Bemmann, 22-08-2015 23:00
Martin Bemmann
Re : Trichonectria sp.
Yes Maren,

here is a key:
At a first glance I would tend to T. cylindrothecia without ever having encountered it.
The setae/hairs could be the conidiophores of the anamorph state in this case.
Maybe this is a start...
Best regards
Chris Yeates, 23-08-2015 13:29
Chris Yeates
Re : Trichonectria sp.
Those setae don't look like conidiophores of a Helicomyces anamorph (I'm not sure that one is actually known for T. cylindrothecia). If they were I would expect they would have formed numerous helical conidia (see images) which Maren would surely not have missed.
best wishes

  • message #37663
  • message #37663
Maren Kamke, 23-08-2015 20:42
Maren Kamke
Re : Trichonectria sp.
Hi everybody,
thank you very much for your competent help. The key leads to T. cylindrothecia, but I didn't find any of the structures Chris mentioned. I have to check on other Genera in the Tubeufiaceae. Chris, could you send me this key, please />Regards Maren
Martin Bemmann, 23-08-2015 21:17
Martin Bemmann
Re : Trichonectria sp.
Dear Maren,

I did send you Rossman 1987. But I am afraid....

Best regards
Maren Kamke, 23-08-2015 22:30
Maren Kamke
Re : Trichonectria sp.
I don't think, this is a Tubeufia species, maybe some Acanthostigma sp. But it does not fit well in any of the Genera.
Have a nice week
Regards, Maren
Maren Kamke, 24-08-2015 19:41
Maren Kamke
Re : Trichonectria sp.
Good evening,
I'm now pretty sure it is a Tubeufia. I could determine Pseudoparaphyses. The keys of Crane (thank you, Martin) and Rossmann lead only to this genus.
The Tubeufia key of Barr leads to Tubeufia cerea a common pyrenomycete. The perethecia don't become black during drying.
Regards, Maren
  • message #37680
  • message #37680