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Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Marja Pennanen, 27-08-2012 15:23

finding Desmazierella is not easy. I've been looking for them many years in spring on pinus needles.
Now I accidently stumbled across something growing on Picea needles and guessed to have finally found it.
Lucky me, the spores were huge, 45-51x9-10, only 4/ascus.

  • message #19567
  • message #19567
Raúl Tena Lahoz, 27-08-2012 15:52
Raúl Tena Lahoz
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Hi Marja!
Congratulations for your find!
I guess how many nuclei spores have...
If you don´t bother and you have plenty sample, can you send some dry apos in order to try to get a molecular sequence?
Without commitment.
Marja Pennanen, 27-08-2012 16:17
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Dear Raul,

I found these a few weeks ago and have sent some to Huhtinen and DNa-analysis is propably allready ordered.

These are really hard to collect, they are scanty and needles are plenty and there is mosses around them. I found only about 10 apos in an hour and could not be looking for more because of a cloud of mosquitos around me. They made collection painful and unpleasant ocassion.

Now that the weather is coming colder and mosquitos fewer, I may look for more, if there are some left.

Hugs: Marja

Raúl Tena Lahoz, 27-08-2012 16:40
Raúl Tena Lahoz
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Thanks Marja, no problem if you don´t find more.
Here all is so dry that we even do not have mosquitos! 
Michel Hairaud, 27-08-2012 18:59
Michel Hairaud
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Hi Marja, 
Very interesting collection to me too as I lately read the paper by Huhtinen & Mäkinen after a collection last spring in Brittany  of D. acicola which is not frequent either in my area. 

As far as I can remember, D. piceicola is not a spring fungus but appears in late summer or autumn. So I hope you find it again this september  . 

Marja Pennanen, 27-08-2012 21:54
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Dear Michel.

I certainly hope so, too. Seppo would like to get an epitype. The type is one of the scanties in the world...

Now I'm too sick (flu) to do any collections, hope to get better before weekend.

Björn Wergen, 28-08-2012 16:22
Björn Wergen
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Hi Marja,

crazy, I even did not know that Desmazierella has another species than D. acicola :D  

how did you identify it?

Marja Pennanen, 28-08-2012 16:52
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Dear Björn,

when I first found these, the spores were not mature. So, I collected them more later.
I've been hunting Desmazierella and know about this finnish finding of another Desmazierella species.
When I collected the second time and found big, mature spores, the determination was easy - Nordic macromycetes 1 mentions D. piceicola. Now the other author Seppo Huhtinen has confirmed my determination.

I suppose, that there is only one collection of the species from Finland ealier. It consist of 2 apos and there is left only a half apo as type.

Björn Wergen, 28-08-2012 17:24
Björn Wergen
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Thanks Marja, what about the place? Was is very wet? Or with some herbs or Rubus? Or just pure needles without any plants? I am asking because I will try to find this one too (after D. acicola this year).

Marja Pennanen, 28-08-2012 18:04
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen

this summer it has been raining regulary here.
The forrest was about  45-50 years old Picea forest, that had been thinned a long time ago, it was not very dense. The  collection was on downhill maybe 20-50 m away from the lowest point.
There were a lot of needles on the ground and some mosses. These tend to be found near the mosses, so they were not easy to notice and they were scanty.
The place was not very wet, actually the water still runs downhill from the place, where these were found. There were some grasses etc near, but not at the collection place.

Maybe I should take a photo of the place, when I go there next time.

I'm still searching for D. acicola...

Björn Wergen, 29-08-2012 10:18
Björn Wergen
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Hi Marja,

thanks for the description. Good luck with finding the acicola. This species grows between March and May also not on pure pinus needles, but on pinus needles lying between mosses and herbs, almost very wet and sometimes not on the surface.

Marja Pennanen, 29-08-2012 12:13
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Thanks Björn!

That will help. I've been looking for them in wrong places!
Just can't waite spring ;)
Actually these may also be covered with dry needles, if that will help you...
None were found upper hill, tried some spots.
I've tested some other promising looking places with no luck.
So it seems rare.

Björn Wergen, 29-08-2012 12:55
Björn Wergen
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Hi Marja,

for me, "rare" is connected with the human inability to understand what exactly fungi need for growing. I have made this experience with many species, like Lamprospora crechqueraultii, Desmazierella acicola, Marcelleina persoonii...they all are described as "rare", but if you look for the right places, you'll find them easily. Just the special places can be rare.

With some of them it is easier, with others it is hard, because places look similar and you believe that there is something, but after looking for it, there is nothing.  

D. acicola probably grows directly after snowmelting. Just try it.

Marja Pennanen, 29-08-2012 13:53
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Hi Björn,

I can't disagree.
I have found many species, that have very few colletions, quite common.
But often it is not the rareness of habitat, that makes the difference.  Usually the minute or just small size of fungi or myxomycetes is enough.
So, some species are considered rare just because there are too few collectors, that can find them. To make it simly: Collectors are rare, fungi not necessarily ;)

But still I have a feeling, that there are not so common species even on common habitats. Maybe I just don't visit the place in the right time.

Sieniterveisin: Marja
Thomas Læssøe, 18-08-2021 11:58
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Hi there

Was your Finnish record published somewhere? Have just found it in Denmark so would like to get all published details. Unfortunately my material is not completely mature so I have to hunt for more.


Marja Pennanen, 20-08-2021 08:32
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Dear Thomas,

I got to ask Seppo, because I do not remember to have any publications of this collection.

Wellcome to the small group of the collectors of D. piceicolaa (and only about 10% of Danmark is forest...): Marja

PS. I have found only one fruitbody of this in the collection place since. It seems to need certain circumstances,
Thomas Læssøe, 20-08-2021 16:50
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Seppo has pointed me to this publication:

Bonsdorff, T. von, Niskanen, T., Kytövuori, I., Liimatainen, K., Huhtinen, S., Vauras, J., Kokkonen, K., Söderholm, U., Kekki, T., Kosonen, L., Höijer, P. & Roponen, P. 2013: New national and regional biological records for Finland 3. Contributions to agaricoid and ascomycetoid taxa of fungi 2. – Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 89: 111-118.
Juuso Äikäs, 20-08-2021 20:26
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
That publication is found online:

Maybe you know already, but I just thought I'd mention it.
Thomas Læssøe, 23-08-2021 15:35
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen
Yes but thanks :-). I have now tried two more times at the same site but no luck although I possibly found extremely small primordia. So even when you know it is there and fruiting it can be difficult.

Marja Pennanen, 18-09-2023 09:55
Re : Desmazierella piceicola Huhtinen & Y. Mäkinen

if I rememeber correctly Ivana asked for a specimen in Somiedo, if I find this more. This year has been favorable for the species here and I found them in a new place.

Now I need to know, where to send a part of the collection and how many apos are needed.

t: Marja