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11-02-2012 06:50

Roland Labbé

Bonjour !  Voici une planche et une photo macro

24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

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Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

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Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

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Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

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Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

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Orbilia on soaked wood
Martin Bemmann, 12-07-2010 21:19
Martin BemmannAfter some time I tried an Orbilia again....
I found it today on a piece of rotten soaked wood, lying in a small creek, half submerged.
The few (4-5) apothecia are very fragile and light apricot in colour.
Asci are 8 spored, uni- to biseriate, IKI- and with a furcate base. (28-34.5 x 3.2-39 µm, without base)
Paraphyses are covered at the tip with a gelatinous mass, shape is capitate and there are septa in the stipe.
The spores are ovoid to fusiform featuring a prominent refractive body. (3.2-4.2 x 1.3-2 µm)
I believe that I have found O. coccinella two times before. Is it the third time?


  • message #12307
Martin Bemmann, 12-07-2010 21:19
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood

  • message #12308
Martin Bemmann, 12-07-2010 21:20
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
  • message #12309
Martin Bemmann, 12-07-2010 21:20
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
  • message #12310
Martin Bemmann, 12-07-2010 21:21
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
And textura of the excipulum:

  • message #12311
Enrique Rubio, 12-07-2010 21:33
Enrique Rubio
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
It seems to be Orbilia coccinella or related species.
Michel Hairaud, 12-07-2010 22:15
Michel Hairaud
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
I have the same idea as Enrique, but that's just ''teasing'' before our Orbilia maestro's answer ... :P
Hans-Otto Baral, 12-07-2010 22:51
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
Hi Martin & Enrique

a pretty good find! And the spore photo excellent. It shows a laterally oriented, somewhat rod-shaped spore body. Did you look at the margin? The crenulate appearance is because of glassy processes, I am quite sure. So this must be Orbilia orientalis, a species which has an anamorph of the genus Drechslerella which forms constricting rings and large 3-septate cylindrical conidia.

Martin , wenn du die Bilder in höherer Auflösung hast, würde ich sie gerne haben. Teile mir doch bitte auch noch die Funddaten mit. Und wenn du die Holzanatomie anschauen möchtest (besonders Blick auf Querbruch), vielleicht wäre es ein neues Substrat.

Martin Bemmann, 12-07-2010 23:38
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
Hallo Zotto,

I will try to meet your demands by tomorrow. There are 2-3 apothecia left. Especially I will try to make a good section to study the margin.
As for the host, my first guess is pinus, but I will try to give you more details, too.

Always good for a surprise, those microfungi... ;-)

Herzliche Grüße,


Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 17:33
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
Hi Zotto, Enrique, Michel and whoever might be interested,

I made a section from the same specimen I probed yesterday to avoid a mixup (I saw Zotto had a mixed collection with O. coccinella). It was still attached to the wood and looked fresh. I must apologize in advance for the many pictures to come. I hope some are helpful.
At the margin I found some refractive elongated cells, some of them glued together. They stained in BKB (no picture of that). The pictures are shot through a 10x, 40x and 100x objective.
  • message #12321
Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 17:33
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
  • message #12322
Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 17:34
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood

  • message #12323
Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 17:34
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
The exudate at the paraphyses stained blue as well in BKB.
  • message #12324
Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 17:35
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
Again some spores (in BKB) :

  • message #12325
Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 17:35
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
and with oblique illumination:
  • message #12326
Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 17:36
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
On the surface of my section I found some conidia(?) with 3 septa that might be of interest:
  • message #12327
Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 17:36
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
And now for the host...
I have no experience at all with the microscopy of wood and will leave it to you. I made section through the branch and a thin cross section I put under the microscope. Would Acer be an option??? At the place I found it, nearly everything is possible except Abies.

Please let me know what I could do more and/or better.

Best regards,

  • message #12328
Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 17:37
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
close up
  • message #12329
Martin Bemmann, 13-07-2010 22:33
Martin Bemmann
Re:Orbilia on soaked wood
Here is a vertical section of the wood:
  • message #12334