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21-02-2025 19:28

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Perhaps someone can help me to identify this pyren

20-02-2025 16:03

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hello.An apparent Rosellinia located and photograp

21-02-2025 20:37

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On rotten wood of Salix, I found some M

06-02-2025 06:25

Bharati Mandapati

Hi All, I would love some help with this Lasiobel

21-02-2025 17:34

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Me mandan el material seco de Galicia, España, re

17-02-2025 21:29


BonsoirPour le premier, il s'agit de Calycina hete

14-02-2025 19:15

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hello!I am trying to identify some of the unidenti

14-02-2025 21:55

Alan Smith

hello there, this host is a dead stem of Chamerion

07-02-2025 17:48

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

asci 170-200 x 20-22 ?m spores 21.9 [22.9 ; 23.4]

19-02-2025 19:25

Margot en Geert Vullings

On a fallen Fagus branch we found these bumps, som

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Pablo Chacón, 22-02-2010 22:15
Pablo ChacónBonne nuit tout.

Initialement joint une image de ce dôme Ascomycètes trouvé Quercus coccifera.
Calycelina je pense

Toute idée de commencer l'étude-il?
  • message #10525
Pablo Chacón, 22-02-2010 22:15
Pablo Chacón
  • message #10526
Pablo Chacón, 22-02-2010 22:16
Pablo Chacón

  • message #10527
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 22-02-2010 22:38
il faudrait les mesures des spores et montrer la réaction des asques dans le Lugol (IKI).
Pablo Chacón, 22-02-2010 23:02
Pablo Chacón
J'ai de l'étudier en profondeur, mais en principe je vois réaction positive à l'iode.

J'apporte les données ne sont pas de données concluantes

Asques 80 microns
Spores 8-10 microns
Pablo Chacón, 22-02-2010 23:16
Pablo Chacón
Ascas NaOH + lugol
  • message #10530
Pablo Chacón, 22-02-2010 23:17
Pablo Chacón
  • message #10531
Hans-Otto Baral, 22-02-2010 23:20
Hans-Otto Baral
Could be a Calycina as well. I wpuld like to see the living paraphyses and their contents. Are the spores already 1-septate inside the living asci?

This group is quite difficult, so one needs more data, spore width is a minimum, also croziers, excipulum, hairs.

The brown "hairs" on your photo are phialides of a Chalara and this is the anamorph of the fungus. Many Calycina and Calycellina have such an anamorph.

Pablo Chacón, 24-02-2010 19:40
Pablo Chacón
Ok, I start attaching Paráfisis VBs image.

Spores 8-12 microns, I think septate within the ascus.
Asci, I do not see well, but I do not think Crosier, 90 x 8 microns.

  • message #10565
Hans-Otto Baral, 24-02-2010 20:08
Hans-Otto Baral
Hi Pablo

that helps, the VBs are very distinct. The spore photo is important, couold you please send it alone, in higher concentration? Do you have a scale for it?
Pablo Chacón, 24-02-2010 20:34
Pablo Chacón
Hello Zotto

Let's see if it works, my micro has limitations
  • message #10567
Pablo Chacón, 24-02-2010 20:35
Pablo Chacón
  • message #10568
Pablo Chacón, 24-02-2010 20:35
Pablo Chacón
  • message #10569
Pablo Chacón, 24-02-2010 20:37
Pablo Chacón
  • message #10570
Hans-Otto Baral, 24-02-2010 21:44
Hans-Otto Baral
So the spores are about 7.5-11.5 x 3-3.7 µm from your scale. And they are 1-septate inside the living asci, yes, this is clear from the small drops which are close to the septa and which are visible in the asci.

With my key I arrive around Calycina parilis, but that species has narrower spores and long-stalked apothecia.
Pablo Chacón, 24-02-2010 21:58
Pablo Chacón
I would be grateful if you give me documents of the genus.

Thank you very much Zotto
Hans-Otto Baral, 24-02-2010 22:20
Hans-Otto Baral
oh that's difficult. Have you looked on the DVD? the Helotiales-key did not much change since then, and there are a lot of images about Calycina (in dir. Hyaloscyphaceae).

tell me if you find don't them.

Others have used the name Pezizella instead of Calycina.
Hans-Otto Baral, 07-03-2010 23:33
Hans-Otto Baral
Raul just sent me nice images of this collection which he studied in fresh state. I am mainly amazed of the hemiamyloid, rather large apical ring which I arranged and paste here.

The spores are actually 1-septate inside the living asci, and the paraphyses have nice refractive vacuoles (VBs). Chalara is abundant.

No idea what this is. At least a Calycina seems sure.

  • message #10680
Richard Korf, 08-03-2010 18:33
I agree with Zotto, there is no doubt but that this is a Calycina. The anamorph is a clincher, present in many but not all species. I believe it is a very large genus, including many species originally described as Helotium or even Peziza, and a genus in desperate need of a monograph.

Javier Ormad, 23-03-2011 20:37
Presento de nuevo esta posible Calycina (o por lo menos macroscópicamente lo parece), en cúpulas de fruto de Quercus coccifera. Aparece el anamorfo Chalara. Las medidas esporas son más largas. Aporto datos.
Creo que pueda ser el mismo especimen que ha presentado Pablo.

Again this may present calycina (or at least what appears macroscopically) in domes fruit of Quercus coccifera. Chalara anamorph appears. The spores are longer measures. Contribute data.
I think it may be the same specimen that presented Pablo
  • message #14871
Javier Ormad, 23-03-2011 20:40
Ascomas sésiles, disciformes, incluso pulvinados, gregarios o aislados de hasta 2 mm de diámetro. Himenio blanquecino, formando una película pilosa blanca sobre toda la estructura del apotecio, visible tan solo a gran aumento. Superficie externa de las mismas características.
Ascas cilíndrico-claviformes, octosporadas, biseriadas o acumuladas en zona superior, sin clara amiloidad, de hasta 100 x 8 micras. Ascosporas largamente elípticas irregulares, lisas, hialinas, con 2 gútulas de mayor tamaño acompañadas de otras más pequeñas, con septo central en las maduras, de 9.5-16(17) x 2.5-3 micras. Parafisis filiformes, septadas, con múltiples VBs. uniformes en grosor. Excípulo ectal de estructura angular. Pelos hialinos, sin septos, no son rectilíneos, acabados con puntas normalmente romas

Ascomata sessile, disciform, even pulvinate, gregarious or isolated for up to 2 mm in diameter. Hymenium white, forming a white hairy on the whole structure of the apothecium, visible only at high magnification. Outer surface of the same characteristics.
Asci cylindrical-clavate, octosporadas, biseriate or accumulated on top, without clear amylose up to 100 x 8 microns. Ascospores long irregular elliptical, smooth, hyaline, with 2 larger guttae accompanied by other smaller central septum in mature, 9.5-16 (17) x 2.5-3 microns. Paraphyses filiform, septate, with multiple VBs. uniform thickness. Ectal Excípulo angular structure. Hairs hyaline, without septa, are not straight, usually blunt-tipped finishes
  • message #14872
Javier Ormad, 23-03-2011 20:42
Pelos y anamorfo Chalara
  • message #14873
Javier Ormad, 23-03-2011 20:47
The macro does not fit Calycina parilis

Calycina phyllogena ?
  • message #14874
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-03-2011 21:46
Hans-Otto Baral
Your macro looks lilke a hairy hymenium? Looks strange. The multiguttulate paraphyses do not fit in Calycina, but also not in Arachnopeziza. Do you say that the asci are inamyloid? Did you use Lugol?

Maybe a section would clarify the hairs?

Javier Ormad, 24-03-2011 18:44
The macro is ​​in 4X objective
  • message #14892
Javier Ormad, 24-03-2011 18:46
The question of amyloid, with a bad picture I have resolved
  • message #14893
Javier Ormad, 24-03-2011 18:50
I fear a kind not seen by area, being very common here
  • message #14894
Hans-Otto Baral, 24-03-2011 19:21
Hans-Otto Baral
Sorry, the images are too unsharp. The asci might be IKI-blue, but I am not sure.

The hairs cover the hymenium, do they?

Javier Ormad, 24-03-2011 21:39
Pilosities of hymenium
Another photo of asci with possible IKI +
  • message #14898
Hans-Otto Baral, 24-03-2011 22:22
Hans-Otto Baral
yes, this looks blue. And the asci might well fit into Calycina.
