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28-02-2017 09:34

Roberta Pini

Good morning,I am looking for the paper by Lundqvi

05-02-2025 04:38

Ethan Crenson

Hi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten

04-02-2025 20:26


BonsoirJe pense que c'est Mollisia cinereaJ'ai hé

02-02-2025 15:07

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Hello everyone! While working through the finds f

01-02-2025 18:00

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello,anybody has the following article:Botryospha

01-02-2025 10:01

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

found in the soil, in olive trees and Pistacia ver

29-01-2025 18:12

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, he encontrado estos pequeños Ascos liqueniz

01-02-2025 20:32

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap

30-01-2025 14:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi! Found this one on or next to some Juncus speci

30-01-2025 10:32

victor servranckx

Hello, I am a biology student from Belgium and on

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Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2009 17:26
Enrique RubioHi t all:
Have you some idea about this Pirottaea with erumpent ascomata of 0.4-0.6 mm?
  • message #7870
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2009 17:26
Enrique Rubio
Re:Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
  • message #7871
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2009 17:27
Enrique Rubio
Re:Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
Marginal hairs of the rims acute, straight, some of they subhyaline
  • message #7872
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2009 17:28
Enrique Rubio
Re:Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
Flanks hairs uncinate or at least recurved
  • message #7873
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2009 17:28
Enrique Rubio
Re:Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
At 1000 x
  • message #7874
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2009 17:30
Enrique Rubio
Re:Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
Asci IKI b, with croziers, 8-spored. Paraphyses cylindrical, guttulate
  • message #7875
Enrique Rubio, 22-05-2009 17:30
Enrique Rubio
Re:Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
  • message #7876
Fernández Vicente Javier, 22-05-2009 20:20
Re:Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
Hola Enrique.
Podría tratarse de la Pirottaea veneta.
Nosotros la tenemos sobre tallos secos de Heleborus viridis.
Saludos, Javier.
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-05-2009 21:17
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
I tried Nannfeldt's key and do not arrive at a satisfying result. P. veneta is only given for Helleborus. P. senecionis would be another choice, but here only various Asteraceae are given as hosts. Are you sure with Apiaceae, and which genus occurs there?

Enrique Rubio, 25-05-2009 19:30
Enrique Rubio
Re:Pirottaea on umbelliferae old stems
No, Zotto. I don't know the sustrate. Thank you for your attempt.
Gracias Javi. En principio la macro-micro es bastante similar a Pirottaea veneta, también muy corriente por aquí. Pero el hábitat sobre Helleborus parece muy restrictivo.