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13-03-2025 15:31

Pavel Jiracek

I wonder if someone can help with identification.

13-03-2025 15:54

Pavel Jiracek

Everything looks good for L.virgineum except for t

13-03-2025 16:50

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Good evening Another find I'm looking for help wi

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

13-03-2025 09:25


BonjourJe poste ce pyrénomycète, pas pour Chaeto

12-03-2025 17:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi all!Do you agree with Scutellinia hyperborea? P

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

11-03-2025 13:10

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

12-03-2025 09:32


BonjourEncore une fois, j'ai besoin de votre aide

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Tiny, yellow discos on soil
Juuso Äikäs, 16-08-2020 15:06
A couple days ago I found a large group of Trichophaea hybrida in a spruce forest. They were growing on soil exposed by a fallen tree's upraised roots. 

Only today I noticed the yellow apos from the sample I took with the aid of a stereo microscope, growing together with the Trichophaeas.

Croziers-, IKI+(Calycina-type?). 


(12.9) 14.3 - 15.8 (16.7) × (4.6) 4.7 - 5.36 (5.4) µm
Q = (2.7) 2.9 - 3.2 (3.3) ; N = 10
Me = 15.1 × 5 µm ; Qe = 3

Overall this seems pretty distinctive to me but I have no clue about the species or even genus.
  • message #64601
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Hans-Otto Baral, 16-08-2020 16:20
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Tiny, yellow discos on soil
Hi Juoso

This is a rarely collected species, "Coryne" terrestris Velen.

I have it in the Calycellina folder but it could  instead belong in Helotiaceae, this is completely unclear.

Juuso Äikäs, 16-08-2020 19:37
Re : Tiny, yellow discos on soil
Thanks once again! It's nice to find something totally ordinary and later discover that you accidentally collected something interesting :).