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03-10-2024 20:56

Margot en Geert Vullings

These orange discs were found in September on mois

04-10-2024 17:08

Birgit Lüthje

I just found a very similar ascomycet on a heap of

05-10-2024 15:55

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Humaria hemisphaeric

01-10-2024 17:02

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Habitat and macro suggest Chlorociboria.• P

01-10-2024 16:15

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

.. on deciduous twig, on and near old specimens of

01-10-2024 11:14


Bonjour,La semaine dernière en réoltant des mycÃ

30-09-2024 22:15

Alan Smith

I found a 'forest' of hair-like structures on the

29-09-2024 13:17

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggested Ciboria, and C. ba

22-09-2024 20:24

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Dear all, I did found this one on on S. acauli

08-09-2024 21:31

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut

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Gnomoniaceae on Rubus
Mlcoch Patrik, 20-08-2018 22:51
Mlcoch PatrikHi, 
I would like help with determination.
Perithecia singly or small groups, distale zone absend, subepidermal, only ostiole prominent on surface, 620 um in diam., 300 um hight, ostiole 200-500 x 100 um, a long filiform, wall of ascocarp textura angularis, cells 15-20 x 10-14 um. Asci (37)40-43(48) x (7)7,6-9(9,5) um, ascospore biseriale, (12)13-15(16) x (2,8)3,1-4(4,6) um, Q=4,1, with polar apiculum 4-5 um long. I thought, that it is somewhere from the Diaporthales, but microscopic structures are diferent or somewhere with group Apiognomonia errabunda, Ophiognomonia rubi-idaei, Gnomoniopis chamaemori, comari or fructicola, but its microscopic structurs are by me different. Sub. dead stems of Rubus idaeus.
  • message #54459
  • message #54459
  • message #54459
  • message #54459
Enrique Rubio, 21-08-2018 00:39
Enrique Rubio
Re : Gnomoniaceae on Rubus
Hi Patrik
It looks like Breviappendix rubi (Rehm) Senan., Maharachch. & K.D. Hyde, in Senanayake, Maharachchikumbura, Jeewon, Promputtha, Al-Sadi, Camporesi & Hyde, Mycosphere 8(1): 186 (2017)

Gnomonia rubi (Rehm) G. Winter, Hedwigia 26(2): 62 (1887)
All the best

Mlcoch Patrik, 21-08-2018 19:24
Mlcoch Patrik
Re : Gnomoniaceae on Rubus
Thank you Enrique, this genus i don´t known.