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04-01-2025 16:08

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi!Anyone that has this one: Lowen, R. 1989. Two n

01-01-2025 13:45

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio


01-01-2025 11:35

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On rotten wood of Fraxinus excelsior I

02-01-2025 17:05

Jean-Luc Ranger

je ne trouve pas de correspondance pour cette form

30-12-2024 15:53

Jean-Luc Ranger

Je pense être dans ce genre mais sans certitude:

31-12-2024 15:39

Jean-Paul Priou Jean-Paul Priou

Tout d'abord, meilleurs voeux de bonne santé à t

30-12-2024 23:57

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi! This one i have hard to find anything on. Does

31-12-2024 15:12

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Pourriez-vous me conf

15-12-2024 15:44

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Here is a Lachnum found on dead branches of Erica

15-12-2024 14:34

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

HI. Found this very small cf. Olla specie on deco

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asco sur buxus
Jean Pierre Dechaume, 05-05-2008 21:41
Jean Pierre DechaumeEspèce de pézize, de 1-2 mm, d'abord en bouton, puis étalée, avec la marge avec poils apprimés,
Asques iode negatif. Spores de 4 μ, lisses. Cystides branchues, hyalines, un peu tortueuses.
Sur branchettes de buxus, en compagnie de Eutryblidiella hysterinum, et quelquefois même au contact.
Sûrement quelqu'un a vu ça.
H O Barral a dû le recevoir de l'Anjou pour examen.
Découverte et photo de A Molière.
  • message #4610
Jean Pierre Dechaume, 05-05-2008 21:43
Jean Pierre Dechaume
Re:asco sur buxus
seconde photo
  • message #4611
Jean Pierre Dechaume, 05-05-2008 21:43
Jean Pierre Dechaume
Re:asco sur buxus
  • message #4612
Jean Pierre Dechaume, 05-05-2008 21:46
Jean Pierre Dechaume
Re:asco sur buxus
  • message #4613
Guy Garcia, 05-05-2008 21:54
Re:asco sur buxus
Unguiculariopsis ravenelii subsp. hamata = Peziza hamata
Jean Pierre Dechaume, 05-05-2008 22:12
Jean Pierre Dechaume
Re:asco sur buxus
Merci beaucoup Guy... Quelle célérité!!!
Guy Garcia, 05-05-2008 22:18
Re:asco sur buxus
Pour confirmation va voir à
et pages suivantes.
Guy Garcia, 05-05-2008 22:24
Re:asco sur buxus
J'ai d'ailleurs été un peu trop rapide et j'ai commis un lapsus et même une combinaison inédite (Peziza hamata)!
Il faut lire Unguiculariopsis ravenelii subsp. hamata = Pithyella hamata
NC NC, 06-05-2008 01:07
Re:asco sur buxus
Dear Guy,

Well done to point him to Wen-ying Zhuang's work. A paper about our search for the type specimen of this species is in Korf, R. P., T. Iturriaga, & W.-y. Zhuang. 1988. Lost and found: a discomycete pilgrimage. Mycotaxon 31: 85-88, also available on the Cyberliber website.

Hans-Otto Baral, 06-05-2008 18:34
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:asco sur buxus
I have today received the same specimen, leg. A. Molière, mis. Jean Mornand, on Buxus with Rhytidhysteron hysterinum. I identified it as U. ilicincola at first glance. When I look in Zhuang's key, I must say that it is somewhat unfortunate to key out species according to their substrate.

U. ilicincola and U. ravenelii ssp. hamata appear not to be very distinct. In Zhuang's paper I find on p. 40 the distinguishing characters: U. ilicincola with smaller apos, longer non-dextrinoid hairs, larger excipular cells, lack of subhymenium, presence of subspherical and larger spores.

This might be all true, but in addition to this I found a striking extracellular hyaline exudate in the hymenium which is present in the three specimens I have seen, and which I did not see in any other speices of the genus (I do not know ssp. ravenelii).
  • message #4620
Hans-Otto Baral, 06-05-2008 18:39
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:asco sur buxus
The globose spores are uniguttulate according to Zhuang. This is also the case in two of the three finds (see attach),
  • message #4621
Hans-Otto Baral, 06-05-2008 18:41
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:asco sur buxus
while a third has several guttules (always in the living state). I think this feature is variabel within this subspecies. That in Jean-Pierre's photo the spores seem eguttulate is surely due to mounting in Melzer or a similar viscous medium.
  • message #4622
Hans-Otto Baral, 09-05-2008 12:06
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:asco sur buxus
Here I tested the specimen of A. Molière for the dextrinoidity of the hairs. U. ssp. hamata is said to have dextrinoid hairs (Zhuang), but I cannot see the least reaction. I mounted directly in MLZ, and later also tested KOH-pretreatment, first at room temperature and later by shortly boiling the slide. Washing with water and treating with MLZ yieded no reaction, see the attached image.

  • message #4639
NC NC, 09-05-2008 12:36
Re:asco sur buxus
Dear Zotto,

I would refer to the the yellow-brown reaction of the hairs in your photo as "dextrinoid"! They certainly don't look hyaline. Maybe we use the term differently.

Hans-Otto Baral, 09-05-2008 19:05
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:asco sur buxus
Dear Dick

The excipulum is, of course, redbrown (in any mountant), but the hairs look yellowish because of the iodine colour. A dextrinoid reaction of cell walls is some kind of rose-red. I am sure that I would be able to make the very same photo showing yellowish hairs in U. ilicincola with the very same treatment. Possibly the dextrinoid reaction is variable within a species. I saw it very well in some specimens of Hyaloscypha, but I remember I found it not that constant between populations of the same species.

Guy Garcia, 09-05-2008 20:37
Re:asco sur buxus
La couleur de l'hyménium semble également plus en accord avec ilicincola ("disco concavo pallide brunneo vel purpureo v. roseo-cinereo". Alors que celui de hamata est décrit "disco aurantiaco obscurante".
Mais, ces deux taxons sont-ils vraiment distincts ?
Amitiés, Guy