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21-04-2023 08:55

Danny Newman Danny Newman

Hello AscoFrance, It is with great excitement and

20-04-2023 15:56

Juuso Äikäs

These little black ascos were growing on the upper

14-04-2023 21:29

Dirk Gerstner

Hello all, I found this Mollisia on 12.04.2023 on

17-04-2023 11:52

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

Dear colleaguesYesterday on the dead overwintered

18-04-2023 09:59

Marian Jagers Marian Jagers

Hello, Anyone familary with the genus Acrospermum

17-04-2023 19:52

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello,anybody has the following work:Valsaria insi

16-04-2023 10:19

Maria Plekkenpol

Hello,On cowdung I found a Coprotus last week. The

16-04-2023 10:52

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonjour à toutes et tous,Suis-je dans le bon avec

13-04-2023 10:07

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

me mandan elmaterial seco de Galicia (España)  r

10-04-2023 21:32

Joeri Belis

Found this small Peziza at the foot of a dunghil

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Is this ascomycete hacked?
François Bartholomeeusen, 03-12-2016 15:28
Dear forummembers,

I am glad that the site is available again after it has been hacked. Thousand thanks to those who have solved the problem.
During the same period I examined a find which I think it is a mollisia, but I found abnormal color frb (from cream to dark grey), asci and parafyses. I first thought this Ascomycetes were also hacked!!!

What could be the cause of this abnormality? Can that be due to frost. Is it possible to determine which mollisia it is?
The substrat was Salix and the frb coloured green in KOH.

Thank you in advance for your response.

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Hans-Otto Baral, 03-12-2016 16:54
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Is this ascomycete hacked?
Hi Francois
this is a great collection. I consider this an chytridiomycete that parasitised the Mollisia. In my article about intrahymenial parasites of Helicogonium (1999, Nova Hedw. 69: 1-71) I also treat this one, but I have no name  and am not even sure about that it is chytridiomycetous.

You have fine photos  but do you also have oil immersion photos of these sporangia?  Could you find any spores inside them? I usually did not see such perhaps because of mmaturity.
François Bartholomeeusen, 03-12-2016 18:39
Re : Is this ascomycete hacked?
Hi Zotto,

I found this asco on november 23. It was hard to remove the frb's with my knife. I have searched and found some fruiting bodies in my waste. Tomorrow I will do a new attempt to take better pictures.
I have some pictures with a magnification of 1000, can I send them in greater resolution to your private mail?
I was quite surprised with what I saw and have difficulties with the interpretation of this image.
I thought I saw conidia inside. What do you think?

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Hans-Otto Baral, 03-12-2016 18:43
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Is this ascomycete hacked?
I suspect that the spores inside the sporangia are globose or a bit angular, and such i do not see on your pics. In the last pic you can see the apical pore which looks like open.

best is tuó study the fungus in water in the living state. perhaps it could be kept in a moist box for some time.

Yes please send me images.