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30-08-2024 20:06

Dirk Gerstner

Mollisia on Typha_angustifolia I found the follow

30-08-2024 19:48

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir, J'aimerais avoir votre avis sur ce Cordy

28-08-2024 18:26

Peter Welt Peter Welt

BARRON GL, CAIN RF, GILMAN JC (1961): A revision o

27-08-2024 19:03

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

I found some Hymenoscyphus-like apothecia on cupul

27-08-2024 17:12

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I would like to consult this little Peziza,

26-08-2024 16:30

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,yesterday I collected this Phaeohelotium on

24-08-2024 22:11

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolté au milieu d'un ruisseau. Est-il

22-08-2024 17:10

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I have this collection of Ciboria gallincola

22-08-2024 17:59

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hi!I just wonder if Peziza badia can exude plenty

20-08-2024 23:32

Alden Dirks

Any ideas on what this Leotiomycetes growing on Ph

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Sporomega/Colpoma on Cistus
Enrique Rubio, 03-03-2016 20:33
Enrique Rubio

Hi again

What about this Sporomega/Colpoma growing on dead wood of Cistus ladanifer lying on the ground at the SW Spain?

The ascospores are 1-septate with a gel seath and an apical globule. Paraphyses with conspicuous Vbs stained blue by Cresyl blue. No yellow KOH reaction or only greenish on the dark, marginal, elements. This collection agrees with Guy Garcia's GG 04040402 and GG 05041001 from 2004 and 2005 on Calluna and Castanaea wood. But my spores are only 1-septate (not 3-septate) and lacks de yellow KOH reaction (saids 'as some Mollisia species').

Do you now some news on this fungus?

Thanks again

  • message #41278
  • message #41278
  • message #41278
  • message #41278
Joey JTan, 03-03-2016 21:52
Re : Sporomega/Colpoma on Cistus
Are images of Guy's collections accessible?  Sherwood described a species with 3-septate ascospores that, interestingly, form ascoconidia within the asci (Coccomyces tympanidiosporus) from Cistus wood.  It would be interesting to compare this to Guy's collections.
Enrique Rubio, 04-03-2016 01:09
Enrique Rubio
Re : Sporomega/Colpoma on Cistus

Hi Joey.

Guy's pics are here

He has not seen (as me) any ascocomidia, but I will consult Sherwood's paper.

Thanks a lot