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08-07-2024 23:34

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« < 1 2 3 4 5 > »
Pavol Palo, 19-12-2015 21:15
Hello friends,
It was found on the dead twigs, still attached, Salix sp.

Fruitbody: diam. up to 2 mm.

Spores: 18-24 x (3)3,5-4(4,5) µm ... 3x septate

Ascii: 70-80 x 10-12 µm ... 8 spores ... In Melzer no reaction apical ring

Paraphyses: 80-110 x 1,5-2 (up to 4 header) µm ... septate

Is that Propolis angulosa or Mellitiosporiella sp. ?



  • message #39664
  • message #39664
  • message #39664
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 19-12-2015 21:30
Lothar Krieglsteiner
why not Propolis farinosa (versicolor, faginea)

Hi Pavol,

in my opinion this looks like the common P. fainosa - it often grows on Salix but also on many other deciduous hosts.

Regards from Lothar

Hans-Otto Baral, 19-12-2015 21:42
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mellitiosporiella?
Vorsicht Lothar, the spores are much too narrow to fit farinosus.

Mellitiosporiella has septate spores and thick-walled asci, i assume your asci are apically thin-walled, and your spores non-septate. What you may take as septa are the oil drops that in your photo are difficult to discern. Did you mount them in Melzer? I recommend to make a water mount and not to apply any contrast techniques. A photo of an ascus would also be welcome.

My guess is that this is Propolis rubella (= P. tumidula), see my key

typically on Salix.


Pavol Palo, 19-12-2015 21:55
Re : Mellitiosporiella?
Hi Zotto
be better seen septa + a poor picture of asccii :-(
  • message #39667
  • message #39667
Hans-Otto Baral, 19-12-2015 22:08
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mellitiosporiella?
yes, you are right, these photos are much better. Do you use phase contrast? This makes photos difficult to interpret.

Now I think this could me Mellitiosporiella pulchella. It is a mediterranean species, from eu- to oromediterranean. Do you live in that region? It has a slate-grey to mostly distinctly blue-grey hymenium, and your pic indeed reminded me of that colour.

You spores are a bit long but this sometimes occurs. 14-18 is also common.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 19-12-2015 22:11
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Propolis u.a.

Hallo Zotto,

vielen Dank für den Link - den Schlüssel kannte/hatte ich noch nicht.

Auch hatte ich noch nie etwas von Propolis rubella gehört. Künftig werde ich Salix-Funde daraufhin untersuchen.

Herzliche Grüße von Lothar

Hans-Otto Baral, 19-12-2015 22:14
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mellitiosporiella?
P. tumidula ist wohl besser bekannt, aber ich hatte einen Fund aus Lux. lange als unbestimmt rumliegen gehabt bis, ich glaube Bernard oder Eugene Popov mich draufbrachte.
Pavol Palo, 19-12-2015 22:19
Re : Mellitiosporiella?
Hi Zotto
This finding is from northern Slovakia , about 700 m to the sea.
Regards from Pavol
Hans-Otto Baral, 19-12-2015 22:32
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mellitiosporiella?
Oh, I just see there is a M. angulosa, still in Propolis, which has a temperate distribution, see my key. It has the narrower spores that you give, and the lack of blue pigment!
Pavol Palo, 20-12-2015 00:16
Re : Mellitiosporiella?
Hi Zotto
thank you very much for the link
p.s. Mellitiosporiella angulosa it is a valid name ?
Björn Wergen, 20-12-2015 10:46
Björn Wergen
Re : Mellitiosporiella?
Hi there,

for me P. angulosa too. I had this species a few weeks ago, also on Salix. I do not know if it now belongs to Mellitiosporiella.
Sp 19-24x3-4µm.

  • message #39687
Hans-Otto Baral, 20-12-2015 11:05
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mellitiosporiella?
Wonderful! And I assume you had it also from our temperate region.

Here on Piotr's photos you see the character of Mellitiosporiella: thick-walled ascus apices (in dead state).

Karsten described it from western Finland (Jakobstad, Vaasa), and when I read his desritpion I am pretty sure it is this species.

Presently the species is in Propolis, but the difference to M. pulchella is not very distinct, and due to variation in spore size I guess it will not be easy to show that the two are different. Regrettably, none of them has so far been sequenced, the genus Mellitiosporiella (or Melittosporiella, as it has also been spelled) is unknown in GenBank.

  • message #39689
  • message #39689