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24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

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Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

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Taxus baccata
Blasco Rafael, 12-08-2015 13:48
Blasco RafaelHola, tengo esta muestra desde hace un mes en casa, en camaraa humeda y acaban de abrir , pero para mi sorpresa solo veo lo que pueden ser conidios, he realizado varias preparaciones, de la masa esporal,de muestras cerradas , de muestras abiertas y solo he logrado ver estos posibles conidios ya que Ascas no he visto,
no se si alguno de Ustedes esta familiarizado con los hongos de Aciculas de Taxus baccata. pudiera ser algun Lophodermiun o Colpoma, 
La fructificacion mide entre 0,17--0,29 largo x ancho0,15--0,18.
Conidios o Esporas 15--18 x 7--8.
En fotos 17--21--29--31, pongo unos elementos que no se si pueden ser Conidioforos.
Un saludo
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Dartanha Soares, 12-08-2015 16:00
Dartanha Soares
Re : Taxus baccata
Hola Rafael,
Despite the geographical disruption and distinct host, your fungus seems to be a Zelandiocoela species. However, as the genus is monotypic and the spore size of your specimen doesn't fit with the only species described, perhaps you have found a new species.
The appendage type of your fungus seems to fit with the H-type [extracellular appendages arising from structural changes (progressive gelatinization) in appendage primordia (wall areas) delimited on the developing condium], according Nag Raj.
In your image 9, you can see a primordia of the appendage in the young conidium attached to the conidiogenous cell.
There are other genera similar with Zelandiocoela, but they can be distinguished by the type of appendage, spore septation, and conidioma type.
A good transversal section of your specimen will help to clarify this.
Attached follow the description of the genus and a illustration extracted from Nag Raj's monograph of Coelomycetes Anamorphs with Appendage-bearing Conidia
Blasco Rafael, 12-08-2015 18:54
Blasco Rafael
Re : Taxus baccata
Hola Daertanha.
parece que el Hongo como Usted dice va bien con la descripcion, pero falla en medidas de conidios, y tambien el habitat, 
he intentado ver mas apendices conidiogenos y a sido imposible, solo he visto conidios, la mayoria de ellos, en los apendices con una masa gelatinosa excentricas.
envio fotos macro por si le dan una idea a seguir. o si Usted sabe a quien puedo enviar, tengo mas material,
mañana intentare ver dichos apendices.
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Dartanha Soares, 12-08-2015 19:52
Dartanha Soares
Re : Taxus baccata
Hola Rafael,

Creo que no he sido claro, los apéndices son visibles en todos los conidios en tu fotos. Mire en las fotos abajo yo he indicado con flechas.
Lo que puedes hacer son secciones transversales para mirar se el conidioma es picnidial o no.

No conosco nadie que tienes trabajado con eso hongo, pero yo gustaria de recibir una muestra si usted puedes enviarme. No lo puedo garantir que voy conseguir identificarlo con seguridad, pero puedo intentarlo.



  • message #37427
  • message #37427
Chris Yeates, 12-08-2015 20:33
Chris Yeates
Re : Taxus baccata
Hola Rafael
I think this is Diplodia taxi; not uncommon on dead Taxus leaves in Europe. !See edit below!

The conidium formation shown in your "photo 9", on a long conidiophore is typical of Diplodia; quite different from the Zelandiocoela which shows short conidiophores with collarettes.

Eventually the conidia turn brown and become 1-septate, but for a long time they remain colourless and full of tiny guttules, as here. The dimensions given in books are slightly larger than what I find - I suspect they are based on the mature, septate, conidia.

Compare with:
and this image

un saludo


Edit - I now think I was mistaken in naming my collection as D. taxi! almost certainly Cryptocline . . .
Martin Bemmann, 12-08-2015 22:25
Martin Bemmann
Re : Taxus baccata
Hi Chris,

how about Cryptocline taxicola? Do these conidia also rise from collarettes? I am not sure by these pictures:

Dartanha Soares, 13-08-2015 13:42
Dartanha Soares
Re : Taxus baccata
Hi to all,
I must admit that when I saw what I interpreted as "bipolar gelatinous appendage", surely not present in Diplodia species, I forgot to pay attention to the conidiogenesis.
However, I still in doubt about this fungus, a transversal section of the conidioma will clarify if it is acervular or picnidial, thus will help to exclude some genera.
Rafael, if you dont mind I would like to receive a sample of your specimen.
Please let me know if you could send it to me, so I will give you my post address.

Blasco Rafael, 13-08-2015 16:14
Blasco Rafael
Re : Taxus baccata
Hola Dartanha.
mandeme su direccion de correo para el envio
Blasco Rafael, 13-08-2015 16:33
Blasco Rafael
Re : Taxus baccata
Hola Chris.
su foto se parece mucho, pero no veo en las esporas ninguna con lo apendices gelatinosos como en la que yo mando,
Sabe Usted si esto no es un caracter constante???????
en el Pdf que le mando tampoco lo nombran,
Un saludo
Herrera Emerson, 13-08-2015 16:43
Herrera Emerson
Re : Taxus baccata
Buen día... pregunto si estas esporas se encuentran dentro de un picnidio especialmente, talvez la imagen me da la idea de esporas grandes y pensaría en que fuera Macrophoma... ya que Diplodia presenta dos celulas en las esporas y además al ser maduras presentan pigmentación oscura.
Blasco Rafael, 13-08-2015 17:13
Blasco Rafael
Re : Taxus baccata
Hola Herrera.
No hay pigmentacion oscura.
No hay septacion. 
A pesar de que las fotos son malas se ven dos tipos de celulas conidiogenas, envio fotos por si sirven.
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Herrera Emerson, 13-08-2015 17:25
Herrera Emerson
Re : Taxus baccata
Veo que las esporas estan inmaduras... esperemos a observar que sucede si cambian a dos celulas o se oscurecen. Dejemoslas madurar antes de entrar en detalle con el género. Solo pregunto: Se desarrollan dentro de un picnidio o acérvulo?
Blasco Rafael, 13-08-2015 17:45
Blasco Rafael
Re : Taxus baccata
En un acervulo, incrustado en el sustrato y fisurandose, rajandose al madurar,
no ostiolo 
Herrera Emerson, 13-08-2015 17:56
Herrera Emerson
Re : Taxus baccata
Entonces no puede ser ni Diplodia ni Macrophoma.... Es un Melanconiales.... dejame revisar. Ok.
Dartanha Soares, 13-08-2015 18:25
Dartanha Soares
Re : Taxus baccata
Zelandiocoela is excluded too,

So probable Martin was right, it could be Cryptocline.
But there are others genera like, Rhodeosiopsis.
Blasco Rafael, 13-08-2015 19:10
Blasco Rafael
Re : Taxus baccata
Hola Martin.
He leido la descripcion de Cryptocline taxicola, y dice que tiene esporas truncadas en la base y no es el caso.
Las fotos de Conidios tampoco tienen en los lados de los apices esa masa gelatinosa-mucosa, la tiene central, no se si este detalle cambiara de esporas inmaduras a maduras.
Podria ser una buena pista, pero a lo mejor otra especie.
Un saludo
Martin Bemmann, 13-08-2015 20:52
Martin Bemmann
Re : Taxus baccata
Hi Rafael,

according to Sutton 1980 Cryptocline is a heterogenous genus with different kind of conidiogenesis and conidial morphology. I don't have a more modern work at hands. I append two things: first the protologue of this species under Gloeosporum taxicolum by Allescher. He describes the conidia as elliptical or oblong with obtuse ends, filled with a"cloudy" content or oildrops. Size 10-16x 5-8 µm.
Secondly I attach a paper by Safrankova that shows a microphoto of the conidia very similar to yours and gives a measurement for the conidia of 10–18 × 4,5–8,4 µm.
Both would be well in the range what you measured in your find.

Best regards
  • message #37479
Chris Yeates, 13-08-2015 21:54
Chris Yeates
Re : Taxus baccata
I am in little doubt that Rafael's collection and the one collected by me and illustrated above are the same taxon; but Martin's suggestion does carry weight and I may well have misidentified my find.
Although there was no obvious evidence that it was parasitic (as one would expect with Cryptocline, it was on leaves still attached to the tree. In addition, although the conidia of Diplodia taxi are reported to remain colourless for quite some time I would expect them to be thicker-walled than these. Finally, the conidiomata do look acervular rather than pycnidial.
Attached is a useful monograph of Cryptocline, with good drawings of C. taxicola. Fortunately the site where I collected this is very close to my home - I shall re-investigate!

Martin Bemmann, 13-08-2015 22:06
Martin Bemmann
Re : Taxus baccata
Dear Chris,

thank you for the Morgan-Jones paper, I searched for in vain. Would be interesting now to see the conidiogenous cells of Rafael's find. Clearly should have collarettes in case of Cryptocline.

Marcus Yeo, 13-08-2015 23:39
Re : Taxus baccata
I have several collections that I have named Cryptocline taxicola. I have found it fairly frequently on Taxus baccataleaves attached to fallen twigs. Conidia resemble those in the collections illustrated by Rafael and Chris. They are ovoid, hyaline, 0-septate and always with abundant small oil bodies. In most of my specimens they measure 13-16 x 6-7 µm; two specimens have slightly larger conidia (15-20 x 6-8 µm). Conidiophores are 15-25 µm long and appear to be phialidic.

Chris is right that Diplodia species initially have hyaline 0-septate conidia but in my experience you can always find some mature brown 1-septate conidia.


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Chris Yeates, 13-08-2015 23:58
Chris Yeates
Re : Taxus baccata
Thanks Marcus - very useful!
best wishes
Dartanha Soares, 14-08-2015 01:43
Dartanha Soares
Re : Taxus baccata
Well, now I think that all us are in agreement about the identity of this fungus :)
and thanks Chris for the Morgan-Jones paper.
All the best to all.
Blasco Rafael, 15-08-2015 13:06
Blasco Rafael
Re : Taxus baccata
Quiero agradecer la ayuda prestada por todos Ustedes, para llegar a una determinacion.
He realizado muchas preparaciones y he sido incapaz de ver mas conidioforos, solo los vi en la primera preparacion en ejemplares recien fisurados y asomando la masa conidial.
Un saludo