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30-08-2024 20:06

Dirk Gerstner

Mollisia on Typha_angustifolia I found the follow

30-08-2024 19:48

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir, J'aimerais avoir votre avis sur ce Cordy

28-08-2024 18:26

Peter Welt Peter Welt

BARRON GL, CAIN RF, GILMAN JC (1961): A revision o

27-08-2024 19:03

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

I found some Hymenoscyphus-like apothecia on cupul

27-08-2024 17:12

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I would like to consult this little Peziza,

26-08-2024 16:30

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,yesterday I collected this Phaeohelotium on

24-08-2024 22:11

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolté au milieu d'un ruisseau. Est-il

22-08-2024 17:10

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I have this collection of Ciboria gallincola

22-08-2024 17:59

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hi!I just wonder if Peziza badia can exude plenty

20-08-2024 23:32

Alden Dirks

Any ideas on what this Leotiomycetes growing on Ph

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Lachnum sp. on leaves of Berberis vulgaris
Enrique Rubio, 12-06-2014 20:05
Enrique Rubio

HI to all

This a an older friend of us that grows persistently on previous years leaves of Berberis vulgaris at the montane/subalpine regions of Asturias.

I'd like to know your opinion about it that not fits well with any species known by us

Thanks again 

Neven Matocec, 12-06-2014 20:24
Neven Matocec
Re : Lachnum sp. on leaves of Berberis vulgaris
Dear Enrique,

This is very close (but still rather distinct) from ours Capitotricha from other Berberis species and it could be very interesting to join our material and continue the research together. We were very near to close this case and started to think towards the publication! It is nice to know about closest relative on time! Please use our e-mail for further communication on this item if you're interested!

Thomas Læssøe, 13-06-2014 13:35
Re : Lachnum sp. on leaves of Berberis vulgaris
I believe that I and Anne Molia has collected the same species as shown here on Berberis vulgaris leaves on the coast of Oslo Fjord, Norway. Material can be forwarded if you are interested

Neven Matocec, 13-06-2014 13:52
Neven Matocec
Re : Lachnum sp. on leaves of Berberis vulgaris
Dear Thomas,
Thank you very much for your kind offer! We would be very much interested in your material indeed!

Please use my (or Zotto's) e-mail for further correspondence!

Enrique Rubio, 13-06-2014 14:01
Enrique Rubio
Re : Lachnum sp. on leaves of Berberis vulgaris

Thank you very much for your kind offer, Neven, but we are making a paper on the mycological flore of Somiedo and we would like to decribe this species in this work




Neven Matocec, 13-06-2014 14:09
Neven Matocec
Re : Lachnum sp. on leaves of Berberis vulgaris
No problem Enrique! Good luck with your paper!

Enrique Rubio, 13-06-2014 14:14
Enrique Rubio
Re : Lachnum sp. on leaves of Berberis vulgaris
Good luck for you too, Neven!
Hans-Otto Baral, 17-06-2014 21:25
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Lachnum sp. on leaves of Berberis vulgaris
Hi both of you

I want to say that I am not sure whether this species can be accomodated in Capitotricha. I also see similarities with Lachnum rhytismatis/microsporum.

I looked in my database. Two species are found on Berberis with such spores:

Dasyscyphus albopileatus: differs in rather long apothecial stalks and no crystals mentioned. Also hairs apically not at all widened, so probably not closely related.
(Haines et al. 1980, Nova Hedw. 32: 699). 

Lachnum subauratum: has stronger clavate spores and also no crystals mentioned. Also here the stalk is said to be rather long (élancé). Asci are said to have croziers.
(Raitviir & Garcia 2000, Bull. Soc Myc. Fr. 116: 155)

Probably the two are different from yours, but I am not sure.
