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28-02-2017 09:34

Roberta Pini

Good morning,I am looking for the paper by Lundqvi

05-02-2025 04:38

Ethan Crenson

Hi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten

04-02-2025 20:26


BonsoirJe pense que c'est Mollisia cinereaJ'ai hé

02-02-2025 15:07

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Hello everyone! While working through the finds f

01-02-2025 18:00

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello,anybody has the following article:Botryospha

01-02-2025 10:01

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

found in the soil, in olive trees and Pistacia ver

29-01-2025 18:12

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, he encontrado estos pequeños Ascos liqueniz

01-02-2025 20:32

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap

30-01-2025 14:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi! Found this one on or next to some Juncus speci

30-01-2025 10:32

victor servranckx

Hello, I am a biology student from Belgium and on

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Bernard Declercq, 05-11-2013 17:37
Bernard DeclercqHello everyone,

Collected on a decorticated branch of Quercus robur here in Belgium:
Ascomata superficial to slightly immersed, subglobose, 0,1-0,15 mm diam., papillate, pale brown, covered by black setae. Asci  cylindrical, apex truncate, 8-spored but mostly observed with 16 part-spores, 42-47x6 µm. Spores fusiform, constricted 1-septate, soon disarticulating in part-spores; part-spores ellipsoid to wedge-shaped, smooth, hyaline, 3-3,5x1,5-2 µm. Paraphyses soon disappearing.  Ectal excipulum of pale brown, small-celled textura ?epidermoidea; setae acute, base swollen, smooth, thin-walled, aseptate, blackish, 39-56x7-10 µm.
With those Hypocrea-like spores, this must be a Melanopsammella? Unfortunately, I only have documentation of species with septate hairs.
Your help is welcome.


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  • message #25674
  • message #25674
  • message #25674
Hans-Otto Baral, 05-11-2013 21:19
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Melanopsammella
Hi Bernard

this reminds me strongly of Trichosphaerella decipiens, with apically acute, mainly unbranched setae. But what I know under that name (on Peniophora) has globose, finely warted spores.

But Ellis & Ellis (pl. 1193 in centre of plate) figure elongate spores.

Similar is Neorehmia ceratophora, with antler-like setae and also globose warted spores.

Enrique Rubio, 12-02-2016 17:45
Enrique Rubio
Re : Melanopsammella

Hi to everybody

This collection of a Trichosphaerella/Melanopsamella species on decorticated wood of Sambucus nigra seems to be very close with Bernard's collection on Quercus.

Has someone more suggestions about it?

Thanks again

  • message #40832
  • message #40832
  • message #40832
Hans-Otto Baral, 12-02-2016 17:53
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Melanopsammella
Yes, there are similarities!

I fear that nobody will see your posting except me and Bernard?
Enrique Rubio, 12-02-2016 18:08
Enrique Rubio
Re : Melanopsammella
Yes, Zotto. I think this is not easy
Enrique Rubio, 12-02-2016 18:24
Enrique Rubio
Re : Melanopsammella

Has someone this article? Samuels & M.E. Barr (1998) Notes on and additions to the Niessliaceae (Hypocreales): Can. J. Bot. 75(12): 2166 ['1997']

Maybe it could help us...

Guy Garcia, 12-02-2016 18:35
Re : Melanopsammella
Salut Enrique,

Le voilà.

Amitiés, Guy
Enrique Rubio, 12-02-2016 18:37
Enrique Rubio
Re : Melanopsammella
Merci beaucoup, Guy
Enrique Rubio, 12-02-2016 18:52
Enrique Rubio
Re : Melanopsammella
After reading the manuscript I think these both fungi belong to Trichosphaerella, at least s. Samuels & Barr, but it is not T. decipiens, the only described species in the text, with  disarticulating ascospores in subglobose (spiny?) part-spores. The ascospores of our fungi are somewhat smooth and wedge-shaped, more or less fitting with Ellis & Ellis plate.
Guy Garcia, 13-02-2016 07:49
Re : Melanopsammella
Voici un article récent où il est décrit un nouveau Trichosphaerella bryophile et des précisions intéressantes sur le genre.