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12-10-2023 20:36

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi! I wounder if anyone have seen this species bef

10-10-2023 15:45

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonjour, J'aimerais savoir si Phaeosphaeria lycop

11-10-2023 15:05

Margot en Geert Vullings

This small orange-brown cup fungus found half in t

04-10-2023 21:58

Pablo Chacón

hola a todos,J'écris à Florent.boittin@laposte.n

10-10-2023 11:27

Raphael Rickmann

Hi all Two years ago I found a Tarzetta among Aln

30-09-2023 20:23

Charles Aron Charles Aron

Hi All, On 11th September I was surprised and exc

07-10-2023 09:57

Viktorie Halasu Viktorie Halasu

Hello, I don't know whether it's possible to dete

05-10-2023 21:07

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

... possibly of Fraxinus, today in Germany (Bavari

05-10-2023 21:21

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

... growing together with Ascobolus lignatilis, on

03-10-2023 11:07

Maria Plekkenpol

Hello,On cowdung I found these. Fb white, "sugarco

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Phaeohelotium aff. epiphyllum on moss (First thougt to be Bryoscyphus)
Robin Isaksson, 12-10-2023 20:36
Robin IsakssonHi! I wounder if anyone have seen this species before? Or knows it. Found in alpine habitat on racomitrium. Asci is 89-120 x 15-21um with no blue/ red reaction in lugols. Spores 17-25 x 5-7um alive. Spore get 2-3 dots of red reactions in lugols as Roseodiscus formosus. Parafyser with bacteria? Atleast they a moving when alive. In Koh 10 there is a yellowish solution, from the parafyses. Apothecia is Koh negative. Best regards.

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Hans-Otto Baral, 12-10-2023 21:06
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Bryoscyphus sp on moss
Interesting! Although looking like a Luteodiscus, this must be a Bryoscyphus (Helotiaceae) indeed, judging from the multiguttulate VBs in the paraphyses and excipular cells (they typically move if they have vacuole water enough). No idea of the species. Certainly not B. turbinatus which lacks these VBs etc.

Let me please know the collection date and region. No sharp photo of mature asci?
Robin Isaksson, 12-10-2023 21:33
Robin Isaksson
Re : Bryoscyphus sp on moss
Dear Zotto,

I will try to sequnce it and then put it in UPS herbaria.

I will mail you the info tomorrow, and take better picture of asci as i have the collection inthe freezer.

Best regards,
