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25-04-2022 22:00

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

I collected and cultivated a fresh batch of Goose

21-04-2022 12:10

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Can you think of any ideas that might help me with

24-04-2022 17:33

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Sur tige morte de renouée du Japon (Fallopia japo

25-04-2022 15:28

Marianne MEYER

Bonjour,,Sur crottes de lièvre imitant Saccobolus

10-03-2013 19:02

Nina Filippova

There is one species  - Lasiosphaeria muscicola r

23-04-2022 19:05

Chris Yeates Chris Yeates

Bonsoir tous A few days after collection, and bei

22-04-2022 12:03

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Buenos díasEl otro día me trajeron estas Plectan

22-04-2022 09:27


Dear Ascofrance Forum,Our friend and colleague Chr

30-11-2015 20:08

Ibai Olariaga Ibarguren

Hello, I have collected several times a pyrenomyc

21-04-2022 08:29

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hola.Unos muy diminutos apotecios sobre un tronco

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Malcolm Greaves, 25-04-2022 22:00
Malcolm  GreavesI collected and cultivated a fresh batch of Goose dung and found Ascobolus branthophilus in great number but also found a small number of a second globluar Ascobolus.
This second one had spores that were 31 x 16-17. Some were evenly granular so would fit with A stictoidius but I could find no sign of the musilaginous attachment to the spores. Other spores showed signs of some small uneaven fissures but a second feature was that many of the spores looked to have a loosening perispore. This is something I have not come across in Ascobolus before so is this normal or an important feature.
The asci were also rather squat compared with the stictoideus I have found before.
Suggestions greatfully received.
  • message #72551
  • message #72551
  • message #72551
Michel RIMBAUD, 26-04-2022 10:37
Re : Ascobolus
Hi Malcom,
I searched into the keys I have and I didn't find both of these 2 species.
Could-you please send me the key you used for these species ?Thanks in advance.
Malcolm Greaves, 26-04-2022 12:59
Malcolm  Greaves
Re : Ascobolus
Hi Michel
A stictoideus (spelt wrong the first mention in my post) is in The world monogaph by Van Brummelen in Persoonia. A branthophilus Dissing sp. nov was described in Opera Botanica 100 1989.

Michel RIMBAUD, 26-04-2022 17:41
Re : Ascobolus
Thanks a lot Malcom for your help.