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01-03-2009 21:31


Found 01-03-09, Korinthia Greece, hypogeous in hum

01-03-2009 10:10

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Cher amis: Je vous prie une opinion sur cette Ham

01-03-2009 02:23

Roland Labbé

Bonjour ! Encore besoin d'aide pour ce Disco ja

28-02-2009 22:12

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Bonsoir à tous. Sur une branche morte de Tilia

28-02-2009 18:20


Hola a todos, es el primer mensaje que envío, me

27-02-2009 21:00

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Bonsoir. Le genre Nectriopsis fait-il parti des L

27-02-2009 05:29

Roland Labbé

Voici une planche d'un minuscule ascome avec appen

27-02-2009 00:31


Bonjour, Quelqu'un aurait-il la clé du genre Cha

25-02-2009 17:53

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Bonsoir à tous. Voici un asco trouvé sur un p

25-02-2009 00:42

Roland Labbé

Bonjour ! Voici une planche d'un disco que je c

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Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
VASILEIOS KAOUNAS, 01-03-2009 21:31
Found 01-03-09, Korinthia Greece, hypogeous in humus of Pinus nigra. They is zygomyketes or immature ascomycetes????
Dimensions of species is 0,5 cm. Constituted from small small pieces. They easily broke
They is Youngiomyces multiplex????
  • message #6911
VASILEIOS KAOUNAS, 01-03-2009 21:33
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
  • message #6912
VASILEIOS KAOUNAS, 01-03-2009 21:34
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
spores 43,8-69,5*41,9-56,8 ìm, Q=0,9-1,0
  • message #6913
Serge Poumarat, 01-03-2009 21:46
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
On dirait Hydnocystis piligera mais les spores semblent trop grandes.
VASILEIOS KAOUNAS, 03-03-2009 17:01
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
Hi Serge. They is not Hydnocystis piligera. The Hydnocystis piligera I have found and been easy in his recognition. Look at below LINK
As long as passes the time and exists placement for askomycetes so much believes that it is for Youngiomyces multiplex.
Thank you!!!
Enrique Rubio, 04-03-2009 14:16
Enrique Rubio
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
This is the typical morphology of Youngiomyces multiplex.
Photo with permission of I. Paz
  • message #6941
VASILEIOS KAOUNAS, 04-03-2009 19:44
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
Hi Enrique. That appears to you the following type? It was doubly found with the precedent. Microscopic I took the same pictures.
  • message #6951
VASILEIOS KAOUNAS, 04-03-2009 19:56
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
  • message #6952
Enrique Rubio, 04-03-2009 20:00
Enrique Rubio
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
I think is not Youngiomyces multiplex
VASILEIOS KAOUNAS, 04-03-2009 20:27
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
Thank you very much Enrique. Because you have found the Genabea that appears to you my own sample?
Enrique Rubio, 05-03-2009 18:05
Enrique Rubio
Re:Ascomycetes or Zygomycetes????
Dea Vasileios: I think your cf. Genabea cerebriformis is too immature to be able to do an correct opinion.
I think you must not work with immature fungi.
With my best