02-12-2024 16:13
Paul DiederichFlora of Lichenicolous FungiVolume 2 · Hyphomycet
23-12-2024 18:18
Rot BojanHello!I've been working with this small fungus for
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Lucian ClanetHello,I'm trying to find information about the Hyp
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Marc DetollenaereDear Forum,On naked wood of Fagus, I found some ha
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Bernard CLESSEBonjour à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à
Hymenoscyphus aff. fulvidulus
18-10-2009 20:49
Je vous soumets cette récolte effectuée en Corse, sur cône mort de Pinus nigra ssp. laricio.
Apothécies courtement stipitées, Ø 1-3 mm, à hyménium jaune-beige, rougissant dans les blessures ; surface externe concolore, glabre.
Asques sans crochet, 75-92 x 7-8 µm, anneau apical IKI+ (bb). Paraphyses emplies de VBs. Spores elliptiques allongées ou ± ciboroïdes, 12-18 x 3,8-4,2 (4,5) µm, guttulées, avec une cloison sur les spores les plus mûres (hors asque). Excipulum médullaire de textura intricata ; excipulum ectal de textura angularis, mêlé de cellules plus allongées, dont certaines contiennent des VBs.
Il me semble que l'espèce la plus proche serait H. fulvidulus (= Pachydisca fulvidula) mais la teinte semble plus pâle, les spores plus petites, avec une guttulation moins importante.
Qu'en pensez-vous ?
Hans-Otto Baral,
18-10-2009 23:26
Re:Hymenoscyphus aff. fulvidulus
Hi Nicolas
H. fulvidulus has much larger oil drops in the spores. The only idea I have is H. lutescens, but that species I saw only with croziers. Difficult to say. The ectal excipulum would perhaps help, is it angularis almost until margin? Oh I see that lutescens is also excluded because of a t. prismatica on lower flanks:
H. fulvidulus has much larger oil drops in the spores. The only idea I have is H. lutescens, but that species I saw only with croziers. Difficult to say. The ectal excipulum would perhaps help, is it angularis almost until margin? Oh I see that lutescens is also excluded because of a t. prismatica on lower flanks: