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16-12-2024 20:35

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

Algarve, South Coast, near the sea, on sandy soil

15-12-2024 19:44

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonsoir à toutes et tous,Je n'y vois pas clair su

16-12-2024 18:59

Milan Malek Milan Malek

Hello, could you help me with this Lamprospora? Co

16-12-2024 12:43

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Nectrioid on Angelica archangelica with Heterospha

11-12-2024 11:26


Hello Harvested on a hazel branch on the groundVe

16-12-2024 13:29

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

10.11.24, on decidous twig, likely Acacia, thermop

14-12-2024 08:39

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On a decorticated branch of Quercus rob

15-12-2024 13:56

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Hello. I would like to have your opinions on this

15-12-2024 14:34

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

HI. Found this very small cf. Olla on decorticate

15-12-2024 15:09

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

I would like your opinion on this Phaeohelotium fo

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Nectria on Angelica
Karl Soler Kinnerbäck, 16-12-2024 12:43
Nectrioid on Angelica archangelica with Heterosphaeria patella, alpine Sweden, 2024-08. 

Ascomata ~0,3mm 
Asci 70-110 x 10-12
Sp 23-30 x 5-6, 1-septate but some with 2 additional septa, not striate.

Help much appreciated!


  • message #80957
  • message #80957
  • message #80957
  • message #80957
  • message #80957
Alain GARDIENNET, 16-12-2024 13:09
Re : Nectria on Angelica
KOH reaction negative, we suppose ? Not a Nectria, and even not a Nectriaceae. But a Bionectriaceae very probably closed to Nectriella genus.
You can find a key in Studies in Mycology (42 if my memory is not out).
No setae on apex ?
Good research !Alain
Karl Soler Kinnerbäck, 16-12-2024 14:43
Re : Nectria on Angelica
Hi Alain!
Yes KOH-, I ended up on Nectriella but could not find a match. No apical hairs.
