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23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

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Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2009 13:01
Hans-Otto BaralHi together

I wish to show some results about the very interesting Orbilia collection made by Enrique, from Eucalyptus bark in Asturia. I identified this species as O. alba, but later found that while this Orbilia became senescent, another Orbilia developed with similar though wider spores with a larger, globose, central apical SB, which I identify as O. cotonoeastris (a close relative to O. rectispora and O. pellucida which JP Priou knows).

Now, I believe that to O. alba belong the adhesive knobs which trap arthropods, and also the Drechslerella anamorph with very thick 2-septate conidia and constricting rings. On the contraty, O. cotoneastris is a member of series Dactylella and has cylindrical multiseptate conidia and no trap organs are known.

The problems here are manyfold: The apothecia of O. alba are now decayed and no pure culture possible. We tried to cultivate the trap organs, but the result is still unsure. So, if this Orbilia shows up again I would be very glad to receive a further sample.

While the apothecia are gone, the adhesive knobs become more and more, and I added small spiders and mites. Actually, within a few seconds the legs stick to the knobs. Often the animals succeed to get free after keeping unmoved for some minutes to let me take pictures, but one small mite was captured yesterday and is now beginning to get overgrown by the hyphae.

The hyphae of the knobs with their Woronin bodies resemble well the anchoring hyphae of O. alba, but the last evidence should be brought by a culture.

When the animal legs touch the knobs, several knobs get glued together, and then the animal needs threefold power to get free.

Here an insect that was captured possibly 2 days ago and is now already overgrown by the hyphae.
  • message #8007
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2009 13:03
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
This spider struggled a few seconds, kept unmoved for half a minute and struggled again, until it got free after perhaps 5-10 minutes.
  • message #8008
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2009 13:05
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
This young mite could not get free and hyphae now start to overgrow it :-(

  • message #8009
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2009 13:09
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
This adult mite got stuck with one leg to several agglutinated knobs, but later came free :-)
  • message #8011
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2009 13:11
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
Here you can see the patches of adhesive knobs whch could be taken for a Corticiaceae at first glance.

By the way I am unable to find Enriques sujet on this Orbilia in Ascofrance. Can someone help me?

  • message #8012
Jacques Fournier, 01-06-2009 13:54
Jacques Fournier
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
Hi Zotto,
thanks for these impressive images, hope Enrique will find more material.
Perz Piotr, 01-06-2009 16:25
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
Pablo Chacón, 01-06-2009 18:27
Pablo Chacón
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
Hi Zotto,

¡¡¡ interesting and impressive¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Enrique Rubio, 01-06-2009 20:58
Enrique Rubio
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
Hi Zotto and all others
Very nice images!! You do not look for it, because I did not put any sujet in Ascofrance. You it I sent to you personally.
We will try to obtain more fresh material of this Orbilia, but the weather is, at this moment, too dry.
I suppose that when we turn to find her, she will be very fat for eaten so many insects!!
Perz Piotr, 01-06-2009 21:15
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
>>> I suppose that when we turn to find her, she will be very fat for eaten so many insects!!

hahahahahah :)))
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2009 23:47
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
o.k., then here an image of the adhesive knobs. They have a flask-like shape and a thick gel sheath which is, however, strongly dehydrated and rough in the normal condition in the moist box. In a water mout the gel swells enormously and gets quite invisible so that first did not see it at all.
  • message #8029
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2009 23:52
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
and the apothecia of O. alba. This Orbilia is the one with the largest apothecia in the Orbiliomycetes (up to 7.5 mm), but here only hardly 2 mm.
  • message #8030
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 02-06-2009 00:35
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re:Orbilia alba with adhesive knobs
Wonderful images and document, impressive.