02-12-2024 16:13
Paul DiederichFlora of Lichenicolous FungiVolume 2 · Hyphomycet
23-12-2024 18:18
Rot BojanHello!I've been working with this small fungus for
23-12-2024 22:59
Lucian ClanetHello,I'm trying to find information about the Hyp
21-12-2024 12:45
Marc DetollenaereDear Forum,On naked wood of Fagus, I found some ha
23-12-2024 12:10
Bernard CLESSEBonjour à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à
17-12-2024 12:33
Lothar Krieglsteinerthis fluffy anamorph was repeatedly found on decid
von Arx 1952
Spooren Marco,
09-06-2024 19:34
Does someone has a PDF of Von Arx"article in Berichte der Schweizerische Bot. Gesellschaft, 62:340 -362 for me ?
Thanks in advance.
Martin Bemmann,
09-06-2024 19:38
Re : von Arx 1952
Spooren Marco,
10-06-2024 11:00
Re : von Arx 1952
Thanks Martin,
I was looking for Zobodat or something, I did not realise wher thes things are these days.
Best, and thanksagain,