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11-01-2022 16:36

Jason Karakehian Jason Karakehian

Hi does anyone have a digital copy of Raitviir A (

24-08-2020 13:00

Yulia Lytvynenko Yulia Lytvynenko

Dear friends.Looking for a copy of the following w

11-07-2024 14:29

Viktorie Halasu Viktorie Halasu

Hello, a thin-fleshed Mollisia on a monocot stem

15-07-2024 10:38

Joaquin Martin

Hi, I found this Ascobolus in company of Cheilyme

14-07-2024 18:23

Joaquin Martin

Hi,I found this Ascomycete on horse dung.The spora

13-07-2024 19:50

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello,I have identified this fungus as Hamatocanth

08-07-2024 23:34

Villalonga Paco

Small Scutellinia growing in garden soil (calcareo

12-07-2024 02:12

Stefan Jakobsson

On a wet lake shore I found a single minute apothe

11-07-2024 10:57

Viktorie Halasu Viktorie Halasu

Hello, I have here a Mollisia on a leaf (possibly

07-07-2024 10:07

Thomas Flammer

I am struggeling with some tiny yellowish apotheci

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Hyaloscyphaceae sur cône de pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris)
Bernard CLESSE, 16-04-2024 22:53
Bernard CLESSEBonsoir à toutes et tous,

Pourriez-vous m'aider à identifier cette Hyaloscyphaceae sur cône de pin sylvestre ?

Grand merci d'avance !

  • message #79045
  • message #79045
  • message #79045
  • message #79045
  • message #79045
  • message #79045
  • message #79045
  • message #79045
Stip Helleman, 16-04-2024 23:10
Stip Helleman
Re : Hyaloscyphaceae sur cône de pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris)
Bonsoir Bernard,

Great! it looks very much related to Michels "Hyalopeziza" sambuci, perhaps another species, this collection will make it a real multispecies genus :-)



Hans-Otto Baral, 17-04-2024 07:51
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Hyaloscyphaceae sur cône de pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris)
Woww, this is "aff. Hyphdiscus ayelii", a Cordieritidaceae which shows to me the transition between the "aff. Hyphdiscus viridulus" group and Macroskyttea/Diplolaeviopsis "sambuci". Perhaps all should be placed in one genus - who knows.

I would be pleased to add the collection data. The species was first detected by the late Antoine Ayel in 1988 (HB 4052) and 1990 (HB 4050).

I compared Hyalopeziza trichodea on pine needles but that has substipitate apos and long hairs, and is probably a Hyaloscyphaceae s.l.

A very similar thing occurs on angiosperm wood and was documented by Enrique and Andgelo.

Would be great if this specimen could go for sequencing.
Bernard CLESSE, 17-04-2024 08:21
Bernard CLESSE
Re : Hyaloscyphaceae sur cône de pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris)
Many thanks for your messages, Stip and Zotto!

Zotto, I know very little about Hyphodiscus but the hairs I observed are very different from the hairs of Hyphodiscus, I think, is this normal? Do you have a description of Hyphodiscus ayelii?

I will send you the data on the collection privately.

I will send the samples for sequencing.

Best regards for you both,

Michel Hairaud, 17-04-2024 09:46
Michel Hairaud
Re : Hyaloscyphaceae sur cône de pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris)
Salut Bernard,
Regarde dans ce dossier de Zotto
et tu as aussi un autre dossier avec la doc d'ENrique :

Bernard CLESSE, 17-04-2024 09:54
Bernard CLESSE
Re : Hyaloscyphaceae sur cône de pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris)
Grand merci pour ton message, Michel !

N'y connaissant rien dans tout ce petit monde, peux-tu me dire si Hyphodiscus viridulus et Hyphodiscus ayelii constituent la même espèce ?


Hans-Otto Baral, 17-04-2024 10:32
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Hyaloscyphaceae sur cône de pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris)
H. viridulus does not exist as a binomial, it is this which could be related:

Trichopeziza viridula Grelet, Revue Mycol., Paris 18(1): 35 (1953)

This is a very complex group to which certainly "Hyphodiscus" stereicola belongs.

These are small Cordieritidaceae, whereas Hyphodiscus is a Hyphodiscaceae related to Hyaloscyphaceae in the narrow sense (earlier both were the same family).
Bernard CLESSE, 17-04-2024 10:40
Bernard CLESSE
Re : Hyaloscyphaceae sur cône de pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris)
Great thanks, Zotto !
