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17-07-2024 22:37

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Rutstroemia/Clarireedia maritima or R. calopus var?
Bertien Roelandse, 17-12-2023 13:32
Summarizing the few topics about Rutstroemia maritima here on the Forum and the description of R. calopus in the article "Estudio de la micobiota de los ecosistemas dunares de la Peninsula Ibérica e Islas Baleares"
produces the following:

R. paludosa - R. calopus - R. maritima
Cyperaceae + Juncaceae - Poaceae - Ammophila arenaria
long stalk - short stalk - sessile or very short stalk
no real croziers - croziers - croziers
amyloid - amyloid - non-amyloid

and the conclusion that this complex still needs further study.

But the last topic is dated 2021 and perhaps new insights have now been emerged?

So, once again a Rutstroemia/Clarireedia maritima, R. calopus var or some spec.

The substrate consists of the decaying spikelets of Ammophila arenaria, habitat is a small sand drift in the grey dunes.

The ascocarps are sessile-short stalked, the color is pale reddish-brown.

The asci are non-amyloid and they have croziers.

Spores measured (14) 12.0-17.0 x 5.0-7.0 mu, with small droplets.

Parafyses cilindric and a bit longer than the asci.

I think it should be C. maritima, but does C. maritima now exist?

thanks and regards

Bertien Roelandse

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Hans-Otto Baral, 17-12-2023 15:39
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Rutstroemia/Clarireedia maritima or R. calopus var?
It is probably to simple to apply this system. I remember that the inamyloidity of the asci is not constant in R. maritima, but in any case this group can only be solved with sequences. What so far exists is a mess of clades, and you see in Index Fungorum that there are much more species in Clarireedia than these three, and several of them are only known from DNA and the symptoms they produce on the hosts.

Which iodine reagent did you use? Your first photo does not show the yellow iodine colour.
Bertien Roelandse, 18-12-2023 15:31
Re : Rutstroemia/Clarireedia maritima or R. calopus var?
I used Melzer's reagens. I add another photo of the asci in Melzer's and added some Russula-spores to see if the Melzer's still works.

I thought the Clarireedia's were picky enough about their hosts to deserve their names, but you're right, thoughts are usually not enough in mycology.
My lovely Clarireedia's will have to wait until the specialists can prove that they are what they are. Too bad!

In any case, thanks for your answer.


  • message #77664
Hans-Otto Baral, 18-12-2023 15:42
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Rutstroemia/Clarireedia maritima or R. calopus var?
Melzer is a bad reagent for discomycetes. You miss the red hemiamyloid reaction (see my homepage).

To settle taxonomy and nomenclature of a small group requires a lot of one's lifespan!
Bertien Roelandse, 18-12-2023 16:26
Re : Rutstroemia/Clarireedia maritima or R. calopus var?
I will buy a bottle of Lugol, just out of curiousity.

Thanks for your beautiful last sentence, it is a nice way to end my story about 'Clarireedia maritima'.
