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24-07-2023 18:38

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Some time ago Joseba Castillo asked us about a pyr

18-07-2023 08:42

Thomas Læssøe

with characteristic "crossed" septation.https://sv

17-07-2023 21:01

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,On leaves of Berberis julianae I found

21-07-2023 19:36

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

I'm searching for the description of Didymella ili

19-07-2023 21:58

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

HelloIn a section of a spot leaf of Ilex aquifoliu

14-07-2023 19:46

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hola. Una parentemente Rosellinia localizada en la

17-07-2023 20:33

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

These blackish, effuse stromata have immersed peri

17-07-2023 12:15

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

De ayer en bosque de hayas y abetos,  en tierraA

03-07-2013 09:05

Nina Filippova

Fungal guild of cranberry (Oxycoccus palustris, O.

15-07-2023 16:51

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Trouvé dans la litière d'aiguilles de Pi

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Searching for two Indian papers
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 19-07-2023 12:00
Nicolas VAN VOORENHello.
I'm searching for a copy of the following paper:
Patil S.D. & Patil M.S. 1984. Studies on discomycetes of Maharashtra. II. Order Pezizales. Indian Phytopathology, 37 (1): 52-63.

And also a paper (I don't have the full reference) published by Waraitch in 1978 (1977) in the volume 7 of the Indian Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, around the page 64.

Thanks for your help.
Viktorie Halasu, 21-07-2023 12:49
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Searching for two Indian papers
Hi Nicolas,
if it helps anything, the second one is titled: The genera Sepultaria and Sphaerosporella in India, p. 55-66. I tried to request it from some indian website, let's see if they send it. 
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 21-07-2023 18:08
Re : Searching for two Indian papers
Thank you Viktorie
Viktorie Halasu, 31-07-2023 01:12
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Searching for two Indian papers
So far I got no answer, perhaps it would be better to contact the journal directly. But if you vere interested in the description of S. brunnea f. aurantiaca, I was able to coax it out of google books.
  • message #76654
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 31-07-2023 08:05
Re : Searching for two Indian papers
Thanks Viktorie.