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26-06-2024 21:08

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

On the underside of a very rotten board in our gar

26-06-2024 22:43

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Hello, Found on a wet piece of wood  (Fraxinus ?

26-06-2024 16:32

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Salut.Un champignon supposé sur certaines feuille

27-06-2024 01:36

Richard VALERI Richard VALERI

Salut à tous.J'ai lu ici que Zotto était plutôt

22-06-2024 13:35

Sven Heinz Sven Heinz

Hello, Could this be Camposporium pellucidum? The

16-06-2024 14:36

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hello.An anamorph located in nature, on the surfac

23-06-2024 17:58

Ingo Ibelshäuser Ingo Ibelshäuser

Bonjour, j'ai trouvé le Cheilymenia jaune vif sui

22-06-2024 17:56

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Estos apotecios, de 0,5-20 mm, fructificaban el 13

09-01-2023 08:14

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Ascomiceto anaranjado sobre suelo desnudo, 29/12/2

17-06-2024 12:00

Juuso Äikäs

A couple days ago I found some Mitrula fruitbodies

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Hymenoscyphus calyculus coll.?
Juuso Äikäs, 20-10-2022 16:53
These were growing on a twig of a deciduous tree (probably Salix) in a somewhat dry location.

The asci are without croziers, IKI+(bb). I think the paraphyses weren't in the best condition -- not many VBs were to be seen. The spores measure 18.8 - 24.6 × 4.3 - 5.1 µm.

Maybe something close to H. calyculus?
  • message #74111
  • message #74111
  • message #74111
Hans-Otto Baral, 20-10-2022 21:51
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Hymenoscyphus calyculus coll.?
How large are the apos? A clear paraphysis I cannot see. But: H. calyculus has croziers, like H. subferrugineus and H. conscriptus. Could be H. virgultorum (in my s.str. folder).
Juuso Äikäs, 21-10-2022 18:30
Re : Hymenoscyphus calyculus coll.?
Ok, thanks! The dry apos are up to 1.3 mm wide. There's a single paraphysis in the middle of the bottom middle square.
Hans-Otto Baral, 21-10-2022 20:31
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Hymenoscyphus calyculus coll.?
O.k. I saw it of course but I wasn't sure what it is.
Juuso Äikäs, 21-10-2022 20:45
Re : Hymenoscyphus calyculus coll.?
I guess it's seen some life...
Hans-Otto Baral, 21-10-2022 20:48
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Hymenoscyphus calyculus coll.?
Surely not the regular habit. Perhaps damaged, I cannot interpret.