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22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

21-07-2024 10:13

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

19-07-2024 10:24

Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

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Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

19-07-2024 11:08

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

21-07-2024 06:23

Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

08-07-2024 23:34

Villalonga Paco

Small Scutellinia growing in garden soil (calcareo

04-12-2020 18:23

Mirek Gryc

Hello allA friend sent me two collections of small

17-07-2024 11:33

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello, anybody body has:Pande A. and Rao, V.G. (1

16-07-2024 18:32

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir, Un discomycète sur Liochlaena lanceolat

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Arthonia sp.
Gonzalez Garcia Marta, 28-03-2022 13:51
Buenas tardes, Os envío un hongo observado sobre madera de Acer pseudoplatanus en Siero (Asturias), norte de España. Creo que podría tratarse de un Arthonial creciendo sobre un talo blanco, pero he leido que algunos de ellos parasitan líquenes del género Phlystis (Reichlingia) por lo que no me atrevo a pronunciarme mas. Envío breve descripción. Agradecería alguna sugerencia. Muchas gracias.

Talo blanco de 15 x 5 cm de longitud con apotecios redondeados o alargados, de color crema, pruinosos, inmersos en el talo, de 0,2 x 1 mm de longitud.  Apotecio I+rojo. K/I+ azul. Esporas hialinas, elípticas, con los polos redondeados y uno de los extremos mas estrecho que el otro. Esporas con 4 septos de 16-20x 7 µm.  Excípulo poco desarrollado, hipotecio de color claro de hasta 100 micras de altura. Epitelio marrón grisaceo que se vuelve verde oliva al tratamiento con KOH. Talo C-, P-, K-. Fotobionte trentepholia. Conidios no observados.
  • message #72291
  • message #72291
  • message #72291
  • message #72291
  • message #72291
  • message #72291
  • message #72291
Zdenek Palice, 28-03-2022 15:42
Zdenek Palice
Re : Arthonia sp.
it could be Reichlingia zwackhii, theoretically the thallus should contain 2'-O-methylperlatolic acid
Gonzalez Garcia Marta, 28-03-2022 16:27
Re : Arthonia sp.
Hi Zdenek
Había pensado en R.zwackhii, pero la había desechado por que la descripción dice que la celula apical es mas engrosada (the apical cell enlarged) y en la mayoría de mis observaciones no es así... La descripción de Pachnolepia pruinata tambien  me gusta, pero el talo no es C+.
Agradezco tus opiniones.
  • message #72295
Zdenek Palice, 28-03-2022 17:18
Zdenek Palice
Re : Arthonia sp.
Dear Marta, me parece mas que R. zwackhii. Anyway, to me it looks more like Reichlingia zwackhii. I can see at least some enlarged cells, it is kind of subjectivity what is still enlarged cell and what not. I saw very similar material from the Caucasus.

There were some misunderstandings as for using the name Arthonia/Reichlingia zwackhii in literature in the past, and was it sometimes referred as an initial parasite on Phlyctis argena. Possibly because of the existance of a lichenicole with the same species epithet - Leciographa (Phacographa) zwackhii. This seems to be an obligate parasite on Phlyctis argena. But possibly also Reichlingia and Phlyctis may sometimes grow together, and then results of chemical analyses might be biased.

But the chemistry should be reliable (if you have a possibility to do TLC) as for this species placing in Reichlingia. Recommend to consult your specimen with Andreas Frisch (, who is the expert on these things and a willing person.

Gonzalez Garcia Marta, 28-03-2022 18:20
Re : Arthonia sp.
Muchas gracias Zdenek.
Gonzalez Garcia Marta, 29-03-2022 19:49
Re : Arthonia sp.
Buenas tardes Zdenek,
Hemos escrito a Andreas Frisch y nos ha sugerido lo siguiente, (corto y pego):

I'm inclined to call this Arthonia (Pachnolepia) pruinata because of the spores lacking a clearly enlarged apical cell and spore shape as well. But from pictures alone it is difficult to be sure. I also have not seen this strong red coloration of the hymenial gels in iodine in Reichlingia so far (usually pale to deep blue, but this may depend on concentration). We have recently found a Pacholepia pruinata specimen in Norway lacking arthoniaic acid (Frisch et al. 2020) that was confirmed by B. Coppins.

As Zdenek mentioned, TLC might be helpful in confirming presence or absence of arthoniaic acid.

De momento no tengo acceso a TLC por lo que solo me queda seguir aprendiendo. Muchas gracias.

Zdenek Palice, 30-03-2022 00:01
Zdenek Palice
Re : Arthonia sp.
bueno, verdad. Andreas is the highest authority in Arthoniales so we should believe him.
Buenas noches. Zdenek