13-03-2025 15:54
Pavel JiracekEverything looks good for L.virgineum except for t

13-03-2025 09:25
Yanick BOULANGERBonjourJe poste ce pyrénomycète, pas pour Chaeto

12-03-2025 17:54
Karl Soler KinnerbäckHi all!Do you agree with Scutellinia hyperborea? P

11-03-2025 13:10

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob
Martin Bemmann,
22-03-2009 23:37

this is my first posting. So please be patient ;-)
Last week I examinated some rotten blackberry twigs. A striking discovery was Terana caerulea. But this would be o.t. here.
Another sprig featured a cluster of yellow cups.
One of my first guesses was Bisporella sulfurina, but the guys in the PilzePilze-forum were not happy with that. The proposal of the forum member Hans was Allophylaria byssacea, a fungus not yet discussed in this forum and hitherto totally unknown to me. Anyhow, he quoted a picture in the "Tintling"-journal 13/4, 2008, p. 17 that would fit perfectly.
The third picture shows a a micro of the candidates.
The asci seem to be immature, hence my measurements (of spores INSIDE the asci) are just hints (11,6-12,4 x 2,6-2,9 µm).
What is your oppinion?
Best regards, Martin
Stip Helleman,
23-03-2009 01:41

Hi Martin,
Welcome,It does not look like Allophylaria byssacea to me at all or any other Allophylaria, Bisporella is a good guess i think.
Welcome,It does not look like Allophylaria byssacea to me at all or any other Allophylaria, Bisporella is a good guess i think.
Hans-Otto Baral,
23-03-2009 08:35

Hi Martin
spores inside asci may well be mature, and those on your photo really look-like. I am quite sure you have Bisporella sulfurina. This would easily be proved: Did you test with iodine? But please use Lugol, not Melzer. Lugol (enough concentrated) gives a red reaction to Allophylaria while B. sulfurina is negative.
For an introduction to the iodine reaction see please on my homepage:
Mature spores of B. sulfurina are 1-septate and 4-guttulate, those of Allophylaria aseptate.
spores inside asci may well be mature, and those on your photo really look-like. I am quite sure you have Bisporella sulfurina. This would easily be proved: Did you test with iodine? But please use Lugol, not Melzer. Lugol (enough concentrated) gives a red reaction to Allophylaria while B. sulfurina is negative.
For an introduction to the iodine reaction see please on my homepage:
Mature spores of B. sulfurina are 1-septate and 4-guttulate, those of Allophylaria aseptate.
Martin Bemmann,
23-03-2009 09:00