11-03-2025 13:10

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob

17-12-2024 20:05

in the Algarve, Serra Monchique, on old Xylaria ci

11-03-2025 17:27

I hope it is o.k. to ask this question here. As y

11-03-2025 18:48

Bonjour.Je suis à la recherche d'une collection (

11-03-2025 17:22

found last November in the Algarve, Serra Monchiqu

11-03-2025 15:18

Bonjour à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à

08-03-2025 14:54
Ethan CrensonHello all, This is a recent find from New York Ci

11-03-2025 10:16

Bonjour , Récolte sur tronc mort de Carpinus. Fo

10-03-2025 22:26

Bonjour, Je sollicite de l'aide pour mettre un no

10-03-2025 18:51
Juuso ÄikäsThese apparent Cryptodiscus fruitbodies with a pal
Teichospora? on Robinia pseudoacacia
William de Jong,
23-02-2022 18:55
I found an ascomycete on a twig of Robinia pseudoacacia with muriform spores (The Netherlands) together with the anamorf. Asci bitunicate. The few mature ascospores I found were 17-21 x 9 µm. Conidia avg 17,2 x 7,5 µm Q = 2,31; (13,7-)15,5-18,6(-20,0) x 6,5-8,5 (n=13).
According to the literature C. mirabellensis has ascospores with
So, I think thi is C. elongata. Am I right? A confirmation would be nice.
Best regards,
William de Jong
Adam Polhorský,
24-02-2022 10:47
Re : Cucurbitaria elongata - Camarosporidiella elongata on Robinia pseudoacacia
Hello William,
This cannot be C.elongata, that is much larger fungus.
Is there a reddening around the ascomata and is the anamorph Phoma-like? Also is it associated with Diaporthe oncostoma?
Recently I've collected the same thing, I think it could be Teichospora, where I did not find a match. Perhaps species in Thyridariaceae and Cucurbitariaceae should be checked, but I did not find it in the recently investigated species. This suprised me, because it does not seem to be rare species.
Here I attach my docu and I am looking forward for any advice, I'm probably missing an obvious answer.
William de Jong,
24-02-2022 15:29
Re : Teichospora? on Robinia pseudoacacia
Hi Adam,
Thanks a lot for your response. I think I found C. elongata on another twig, see http://ascofrance.com/forum/71919/cucurbitaria-elongata-on-robinia-pseudoacacia
This is indeed a big difference in size of the fruiting bodies. Thanks for pointing that out.
That's a wonderful documentation, very nice pictures!
To answer your questions: I saw some reddening around the ascomata. And I found small conidia (3-4,5 x 1-1,5 µm). However, I didn't find Diaporthe oncostoma, yet.
I see that there are several Teichospora species which occur on Robinia: T.
hispida (which has setae on the fruiting body), T. trabicola, T.
mariae and T. pusilla.
Best regards, William
Thanks a lot for your response. I think I found C. elongata on another twig, see http://ascofrance.com/forum/71919/cucurbitaria-elongata-on-robinia-pseudoacacia
This is indeed a big difference in size of the fruiting bodies. Thanks for pointing that out.
That's a wonderful documentation, very nice pictures!
To answer your questions: I saw some reddening around the ascomata. And I found small conidia (3-4,5 x 1-1,5 µm). However, I didn't find Diaporthe oncostoma, yet.
I see that there are several Teichospora species which occur on Robinia: T.
hispida (which has setae on the fruiting body), T. trabicola, T.
mariae and T. pusilla.
Best regards, William
Adam Polhorský,
11-02-2025 11:25
Re : Teichospora? on Robinia pseudoacacia
Hi again William,
this should be Neodacampia ulmea. See also Alains find http://www.ascofrance.com/forum?page=1&id=9046