04-01-2025 16:08
Robin IsakssonHi!Anyone that has this one: Lowen, R. 1989. Two n
01-01-2025 13:45
01-01-2025 11:35
Marc DetollenaereDear Forum,On rotten wood of Fraxinus excelsior I
02-01-2025 17:05
Jean-Luc Rangerje ne trouve pas de correspondance pour cette form
31-12-2024 15:39
Jean-Paul PriouTout d'abord, meilleurs voeux de bonne santé à t
30-12-2024 23:57
Robin IsakssonHi! This one i have hard to find anything on. Does
31-12-2024 15:12
Bernard CLESSEBonjour à toutes et à tous,Pourriez-vous me conf
Mature spores
Malcolm Greaves,
07-07-2021 13:08
The first examination of a specimen sent by a colleague showed almost no mature spores but one or two small examples with a network of warts on still in the ascus.
When I was finally able to bring it to maturity the narrowly elliptical spores had obvious mostly individual warts which its relatively short hairs it made Scutellina cejpii easy to identify.
Jason Karakehian,
07-07-2021 15:13
Re : Mature spores
We will have a paper published on the importance of this and methods too. It is in press and will hopefully be published in a month. I hope that it will be useful to people!
Malcolm Greaves,
07-07-2021 16:32
Re : Mature spores
Look forward to seeing this Jason