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24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

21-07-2024 10:13

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

19-07-2024 10:24

Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

21-07-2024 10:28

Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

19-07-2024 11:08

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

21-07-2024 06:23

Masanori Kutsuna

Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

08-07-2024 23:34

Villalonga Paco

Small Scutellinia growing in garden soil (calcareo

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disco on Phragmites
Chris Yeates, 05-07-2021 15:19
Chris Yeates
Bonjour tous

Collected on fallen dead culms of Phragmites australis from the previous year. All images are of living material in water.

Apothecia colourless or with a faint pinkish tinge, no protruding hairs, up to 0.4mm. They are sessile and leave a brown attachment ring, though this may just be remnants of host tissue. The margin is as seen in the final image - without protruding cells/hairs; the terminal cells c. 5-6µm wide.

Asci 8-spored, apex blue in Baralsche Löhsung, with croziers. Quite a number of the asci (at a particular stage of development) with 1-4 "Psilachnum bodies" their size dependant on how many there are. One particular developing ascus (see image) was divided into a number of vacuoles, each with a single globular body - very active (Brownian motion?).

Ascospores mostly clavate, with small droplets towards (but not at) the apices; 8.8-10.8 x 2.4-2.7µm, Qe = 3.8.

As ever suggestions welcome.

Cordialement, Chris
  • message #69343
  • message #69343
  • message #69343
  • message #69343
  • message #69343
  • message #69343
  • message #69343
Juuso Äikäs, 05-07-2021 21:42
Re : disco on Phragmites
Hopefully someone else will comment as well, but could it be a Pyrenopeziza sp.? It reminds me of P. typhicola to some degree, which I earlier posted here. That one has also those "Psilachnum bodies", but obviously that's another species (dark excipulum, shorter spores, different host). 
Chris Yeates, 12-07-2021 16:41
Chris Yeates
Re : disco on Phragmites
Apologies for not responding sooner.Thanksfor the suggestion, but I don't think this is a Pyrenopeziza, or near relative. Perhaps someone else has a suggestion.

Nick Aplin, 12-07-2021 22:00
Re : disco on Phragmites
Salut Chris,

Any chance it could belong in the Helotium microspis group?

For example in Zottos Google Drive files: Helotiales/Pezizellaceae (with VBs)/Calycellina/microspis VBs-

Chris Yeates, 14-07-2021 19:15
Chris Yeates
Re : disco on Phragmites
Ave Nicolae

Rem acu tetigisti!

I think that is a splendid suggestion and several characters fit well with Zotto's images.

Many thanks, Chris