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24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

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Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

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Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

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Dear all, Does anyone have these papers and send

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Diplodia taxi? = Cryptocline taxicola
Riet van Oosten, 31-05-2021 19:40
Riet van Oosten

Found by Laurens van der Linde (May 2021, the Netherlands) on Taxus baccata "Repandens", on dead leaves still attached to the shrub.

Is this Diplodia taxi? I read that the conidiogenous cells should have collarettes in case of Cryptocline.

Conidia Me = 18.5 x 6.8 µm N = 10

Greetings, Riet

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Chris Yeates, 01-06-2021 15:05
Chris Yeates
Re : Diplodia taxi?
Hello Riet

this reminded me of an earlier discussion - thanks for providing the link to that thread. My conviction that my fungus was Diplodia taxi was at a stage when I was unaware of the Cryptocline - although it is included (as a Gloeosporium) in vol. 2 of Grove's "British Stem and Leaf Fungi" - see (page 226).

I have also come across which perhaps you already know? Based on that and Marcus Yeo's useful comments on that earlier thread (especially the size of conidia and absence of any brown coloured ones) I am fairly sure that my fungus was Cryptocline - I must re-collect it.

It underlines a problem with the Internet: a search for images of Diplodia taxi brings up an image of my original find, and which I now think was mis-named. Many people trying to identify fungi unwisely "look for pictures on the web" as their main taxonomic tool, and any images there can assume a spurious accuracy - "onechte nauwkeurigheid".

I shall remove the image from that ASCOfrance thread, but it may stay on the web forever . . .?

Best wishes, Chris
Riet van Oosten, 01-06-2021 19:42
Riet van Oosten
Re : Diplodia taxi?
Hello Chris,
Thank you very much for page 226, the pdf and your information.
Because of the size of the conidia and the absence of any brown coloured ones Laurens's collection could also be Cryptocline taxicola.
Best wishes, Riet
Viktorie Halasu, 03-06-2021 01:15
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Diplodia taxi? = probably Cryptocline taxicola

in a last year's collection of C. taxicola (from autochtonous population) I noticed spore sheaths, easily stainable with aqueous congo red. Usually they were wide and excentric, but sometimes they were tight and only a little bit loosened near the poles (bottom left photo). This might explain those "appendages" in the previous thread. I haven't noticed any sheath in Diplodia sp. on Fraxinus - are they lacking in D. taxi too?

Best wishes,

  • message #69019
  • message #69019
Riet van Oosten, 10-06-2021 16:10
Riet van Oosten
Re : Diplodia taxi? = probably Cryptocline taxicola
Got a mail from Laurens v.d. Linde. He had sent a mail to mr. R.K. Schumacher.
Mr. Schumacher: "......thank you for sharing your information.This is NOT a Diplodia-like. Only in a very young state of development the immature conidia can be hyaline and do have coarsely guttules. But the arrangement of the guttules is not the same as in Cryptocline. A good work name is Cryptocline taxicola ......."