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24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

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24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

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Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

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Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

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Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

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Masanori Kutsuna

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Villalonga Paco

Small Scutellinia growing in garden soil (calcareo

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anamorph on resin
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 17-08-2020 13:58
Lothar Krieglsteiner... of Picea in the Eifel, about 550 m NN, together with Lachnellula resinaria and Lophium mytilinum. The black "mould" builds spores of about 15-20 (25) µm which show the colour assymetrically. Who can provide me with a name?
Best regards, Lothar
  • message #64620
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  • message #64620
  • message #64620
Hans-Otto Baral, 17-08-2020 14:22
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : anamorph on resin
Hallo Lothar

schaut das nicht nach einem Myxo aus?


Hans-Otto Baral, 17-08-2020 14:36
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : anamorph on resin
Hätte mich auch gewundert, wo du ja kein unbeschriebenes Blatt bist. Was sieht dann da aber so nach Capillitium aus, und wo sollen diese Sporen gebildet worden sein, wenn es Konidien sein sollen?
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 17-08-2020 14:41
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : anamorph on resin
... nun - die schwarzen Fäden könnten ja die Konidiophore sein. Die Sporen kleben auf dem Harz fest. Keine Ahnung, habe nicht so viel Ahnung von Imperfekten. Aber vielleicht erkennt ja jemand die Art anhand der ja doch recht prägnanten Sporen.
LG, Lothar
Edvin Johannesen, 17-08-2020 15:39
Edvin Johannesen
Re : anamorph on resin

This is most definitely a myxomycete in the Stemonitales. The sporocarp has been squashed, so difficult to see what it looked like, but judging from the spore size and ornamentation and the brown, nodular capillitium, I would say it is likely Diacheopsis insessa.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 18-08-2020 04:16
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : anamorph on resin
Hello Edvin,
first: thanks for your response!
Well - you really make me think, especially, because already Zotto made the same (not so detailed) proposal.
But - I still doubt, and I will explain why.
I saw only a thin fluffy film of spores on the resin, on the resin, and quite flat, spread out on a surface area of about some mm in each direction . There was no hint of a squashed sporocarp or something elsle of a myxo, and I must admit, I did not htink of a myxo at all, even not after preparing (and I also admit that it is reaonable to think in this direction). When looking for structures of an anamorph, I did not find much, only what I showed, and it is right, there are no septa to be found, and the ornamented spores are round. The large spores, fuirthermore, were not comparable to a myxo I know (maybe without Amaurochaete, but this is large and surely would have contaminated more of the resin and leaved a lot more remains, would have contaminated the nearby fruting Lalchnellula for instance). O.k. - Diacheopsis. I never (!) found a sure Diacheopsis, all species of the genus are rare or at least very rarely found. 
So - for me it is still more reasonable to have an unclear anamorph whose structures I did not prepare well, as such a rare myxomycete. Perhaps you should know that I have worked with myxomycetes since I was a boy, and for instance published two new species in this group (Arcyria riparia, Fuligo luteonitens). But - maybe you are right and it is Diacheopsis insessa. Very strange ....
Best regards, Lothar
Josep Torres, 18-08-2020 09:07
Josep Torres
Re : anamorph on resin
Hola Lothar, de acuerdo con Zotto y con Edvin, me parece claramente un Myxo, y con estas medidas esporales trenemos la Diacheopsis mitchellii ((18-)20-21(-23)), con espinas de hasta 1 micra. Pero tampoco puedo asegurar que se trate de esta.
Saludos cordiales.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 18-08-2020 09:17
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : anamorph on resin
Hello Josep,
thanks for you, too.
I think I have embarassed myself terribly (maybe not for the first time ..).
Best, Lothar
Edvin Johannesen, 18-08-2020 10:37
Edvin Johannesen
Re : anamorph on resin
Dear Lothar.

No need to be embarrassed :-) I am 100% convinced that this is a myxomycete. Diacheopsis insessa and D. mitchellii are quite related.  Both have spores in this size range and capillitium with dark swellings. D. mitchellii, however, has rather scanty capillitium. Not strange, really, that these speies are rarely encountered, being so small and dark, often against a dark background on bark. For your information I recently published a large paper including 130 species and 8 varieties as new to Norway and a complete checklist of myxomycetes from Norway (363 species). Both species in question here are reported. Since then a few additional species have been identified. I would be happy to send you the paper as pdf, if you provide your email address (same goes for you, Josep).
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 18-08-2020 10:42
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : anamorph on resin
Dear Edvin,
here it is:
You can also find it if you click on my name in every contribution.
I am glad to receive your paper.
Best regards, Lothar
Edvin Johannesen, 18-08-2020 11:12
Edvin Johannesen
Re : anamorph on resin
Now sent via WeTransfer.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 18-08-2020 11:27
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : anamorph on resin
Hello Edvin,
thanks a lot for your file - very impressive work! 
In fact, Diacheopsis insessa as shown by you seems to be easy to overlook, and it seems to be very likely my "fungus" - and it seems to fit also ecologically. Unfortunately, I did not look further at the findplace - and there is no material left. So - try again, maybe next year ... (I do not come to the Eifel mountains earlier).
Best regards and thanks again,
Edvin Johannesen, 18-08-2020 11:31
Edvin Johannesen
Re : anamorph on resin
Thanks - you're most welcome!
Henrik F. Gøtzsche, 18-08-2020 12:12
Re : anamorph on resin
Dear all,

I second the oppinion of Zotto and Edvin.

This is, imho, clearly a species of Diacheopsis, either, as proposed
by Edvin D. insessa, or a taxon, which I have found regularly during
the last ten years in Denmark, and which has recently been located in
Northern France as well.

You can find descriptions of the French specimens of this Diacheopsis
sp. at Bernard Woerly's website:
and of the Danish ones at my web:

Is is true, that the species of Diacheopsis are rarely met with,
most seem to be nivicole. But the danish taxon is common (sic!),
provided the right habitat and time of year, and moreover, it seems
to be "standortstreu". During mild and moist winters it occurs on
wounds on Picea abies trunks made by red deer. No snow involved,
cryophilous would be the right term to fix at it. If Lothar's find
is related to this species, it is no wonder, that by now it seems to
be worn down.

Best regards

Lothar Krieglsteiner, 18-08-2020 12:21
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : anamorph on resin
Hello Henrik,
thank you very much for your very interesting contribution. Wounds of the tree made by red deer - this is well possible at my findplace. Red deer and other vertebrata (wild boar, roe deer) are very present in the Eifel National Park, more than can be regarded as good.
Best regards, Lothar
Edvin Johannesen, 18-08-2020 12:37
Edvin Johannesen
Re : anamorph on resin
Thanks for this information, Henrik - I had forgotten about this. I regularly look at Picea resin (for Sarea, Lachnellula, Hysterium etc.), so I will definitely look out for this one!
Josep Torres, 18-08-2020 16:59
Josep Torres
Re : anamorph on resin
Hola Edvin, ahí va mi correo:
Muchas gracias de antemano.
Saludos cordiales
Edvin Johannesen, 18-08-2020 17:03
Edvin Johannesen
Re : anamorph on resin
It's been sent :-)
Josep Torres, 18-08-2020 17:08
Josep Torres
Re : anamorph on resin
Gracias Edvin, ya lo he descargado y guardado, sin duda se trata de un documento excelente. Para comparar los Myxos hasta ahora utilizo el excelente trabajo de Fernando Bellido Bermejo, un trabajo bastante completo.
Saludos cordiales.
Edvin Johannesen, 18-08-2020 17:13
Edvin Johannesen
Re : anamorph on resin
You're welcome - and thanks!
Edvin Johannesen, 29-04-2021 15:01
Edvin Johannesen
Re : anamorph on resin
The presumably undescribed Diacheopsis has now been found in Norway. Actually, it was on the first spruce I checked carefully (around the rim of a resinous Neonectria fuckeliana canker).
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 29-04-2021 15:15
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : anamorph on resin
Hello Edvin,
very nice! I also found it twice in my region with fresh material in the meantime. Did you tell the news to Henrik F. Gøtzsche? You should, because he is preparing a paper, likely with the description as a new species momentally, together with Bernhard Woerly, Martin Schnittler and others. Your find should be included in this paper.
Best regards, Lothar
Edvin Johannesen, 29-04-2021 15:20
Edvin Johannesen
Re : anamorph on resin
Yes, Henrik is informed.  He hasn't asked for collection details, so not sure where they are in the process.
