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06-03-2025 23:27

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hello!I have a collection of Asterosporium asteros

06-03-2025 21:53

Charles Grapinet Charles Grapinet

Hello, I found a very abundant Phaeosphaeria on t

04-03-2025 15:38

Hardware Tony Hardware Tony

Found on I what I think is Phyllostachys aurea, mo

06-03-2025 11:45

Wim de Groot

Several smal patches of Hypoxylon ticinense (sl?)

06-03-2025 17:23

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found 13/2/25 on moss, very far away, only almond

04-03-2025 21:27


BonsoirPetites fructifications jaunes récoltées

30-06-2018 14:36

Jan Knuiman

Growing on a rotten twig of a broadleaf tree (Sali

03-03-2025 08:10

Juuso Äikäs

I recently found these quite small fruitbodies gro

05-03-2025 08:53

Thomas Læssøe

With hyper fusiform-pointy spores.https://svampe.d

03-03-2025 08:20

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Une idée sur ces petites boules blanches sur mou

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Trichothecium roseum?
Marc Detollenaere, 25-06-2020 22:46
Marc Detollenaere

On the bark of a living Acer pseudoplatanus I found a number of white colonies of Hypho's.

Some hyphae had swollen tips. The conidia were hyaline, 1-septate and measured 31x14µ.

Could it be Trichothecium?

  • message #63852
  • message #63852
  • message #63852
  • message #63852
Jacky Launoy, 26-06-2020 10:55
Re : Trichothecium roseum?
Hallo Marc,

La mesure des conidiies correspond plustôt à Trichothecium inaequale Massee & Salmon. Les mesures dans la clé de Seiffert qui traite les espéces sur excréments donne 24-30 x 15-20 µm. 
Marc Detollenaere, 26-06-2020 20:55
Marc Detollenaere
Re : Trichothecium roseum?


Thank you for your answer but inaequale seems to be coprophilous and has a larger sporewidth. The conidia I measured were between 11 and 14µ.