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22-06-2024 13:35

Sven Heinz Sven Heinz

Hello, Could this be Camposporium pellucidum? The

16-06-2024 14:36

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hello.An anamorph located in nature, on the surfac

23-06-2024 17:58

Ingo Ibelshäuser Ingo Ibelshäuser

Bonjour, j'ai trouvé le Cheilymenia jaune vif sui

22-06-2024 17:56

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Estos apotecios, de 0,5-20 mm, fructificaban el 13

09-01-2023 08:14

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Ascomiceto anaranjado sobre suelo desnudo, 29/12/2

17-06-2024 12:00

Juuso Äikäs

A couple days ago I found some Mitrula fruitbodies

15-07-2014 12:51

Gernot Friebes

Hi,identifying Lambertella species is difficult en

21-06-2024 18:18

Sylvie Le Goff

Bonjourpourais je avoir confirmation pour Lachnum

20-06-2024 16:07

Nicolas Suberbielle

Bonjour, J'ai trouvé cette espèce sur les feuil

19-06-2024 18:32

François Bartholomeeusen

On female Alnus catkins I found very small fruit b

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Sporormiella teretispora
Joop van der Lee, 28-03-2019 19:12
Joop van der LeeFound on horse dung.

Perithecia: 370x343 um (Perithecia was covered with spores form Conichaeta)

Asci: 8-spores; 195.6-196.8x33-34.7 um

Spores: biseriate; 59.75-74.1x10.35-12.85; germ slit sligthly oblique.

Paraphyses: septated; 3.45-5.2 um
  • message #57028
  • message #57028
  • message #57028
  • message #57028
  • message #57028
Yulia Lytvynenko, 29-03-2019 06:10
Yulia Lytvynenko
Re : Sporormiella cylindrospora?
Dear Joop!

Sporormiella cylindrospora has spores larger in size ((67)70-80x13-16). And why, for example, is not S. teretispora (ascospores 60-66x10-13)? What confuses you?
Michel Delpont, 29-03-2019 07:11
Michel Delpont
Re : Sporormiella cylindrospora?
I think it is indeed S. teretispora; S. cylindrospora spores have different germinal slits.


Peter Püwert, 29-03-2019 12:15
Peter Püwert
Re : Sporormiella cylindrospora?
Hi all,

here two pictures and two links about Sp. teretispora and cylindrospora.

Greetings Peter.

  • message #57043
  • message #57043
Joop van der Lee, 29-03-2019 14:17
Joop van der Lee
Re : Sporormiella cylindrospora?
Vielen dank Peter.

Yulia Lytvynenko, 30-03-2019 09:09
Yulia Lytvynenko
Re : Sporormiella cylindrospora?
Dear Joop.
Regarding the size of the spores of Sporormiella teretispora. 
According to different authors, it is quite different. 60-66 X 10-13 (Ahmed&Cain), 55-67 X 11-14 (Bell), (61.7-) 63.6-68.4 (-69.3) x 01.4-) 11.8-12.3 (-12.8) (Doveri). Mungai et al. give size 66–73.5 × 11–15.5 (as. S. aff. teretispora). Last size is similar to your measurements.
The morphology of the germ slits is also given different. 
Ahmed&Cain: germ slit nearly parallel, in some collections the germ slit is curved at each end;
Doveri: germ slit an imperceptibly oblique to almost parallel, often flexuous; and besides, indicates that germ slits almost parallel. rather than oblique, germ slits.
Mungai et al.: germ slit diagonal, sigmoid to oblique.
In this regard, I would like to ask a question both to you and all my colleagues in this forum.
What do you think, is the morphology of germ slits in some species of Sporormiella a reliable diagnostic sign? How important should it be considered in the identification Sporormiella species?
Joop van der Lee, 01-04-2019 20:07
Joop van der Lee
Re : Sporormiella cylindrospora?
Check your mail Yulia.
