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14-01-2025 10:11

Margot en Geert Vullings

On a dead branch of Cryptomeria that has been lyin

10-01-2025 11:24

Wim de Groot

We found this small black spots on perennial stem

13-01-2025 20:17

Jorge Hernanz

Buenas tardes, adjunto datos de éste pequeño pez

10-01-2025 18:19

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,I found some colonies of orange coloure

19-12-2024 11:54

michel bertrand

Bonjour, Après moultes recherches plutôt infruc

12-01-2025 12:52

Thomas Flammer

Spores cylindrical-fusiform, 7 times septated, IKI

11-01-2025 19:32

Jean-Luc Ranger

Bonjour, je me demande si cette Helvelle ne serait

09-01-2025 20:35

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good afternoon This small pink ascomycete, 2 mm i

10-01-2025 03:04

Masanori Kutsuna

Hello, Does anyone have following article and cou

08-01-2025 23:07

Jean-Luc Ranger

Je pensais avoir à faire à un Hypomyces mais les

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Enrique Rubio, 31-10-2005 12:05
Enrique Rubiowhat is the macro/micro difference between M. olivaceum and M. viride ?
François Valade, 31-10-2005 13:34
François Valade
here are the requested information according to several authors.
Benkert (Bemerkenswerte Ascomyceten der DDR VI. Die weisssporigen Geoglossaceen. Gleditschia 40:141-171, 1983)
olivaceum : color= brown olivaceous, sometimes with spanish green tinges.stipe= smooth. spores= 13-15. xerophilous places
viride : color=spanish green with ocraceous spot but without brown.stipe=scaly. spores= 16,5-21. wet/hygrophilous places.

JPP's Key 1999 (he will probably answer soon here to give his point of view)
olivaceum: stipe smooth. asci length under 100 µm
viride: stipe squamulose. asci length over 100 µm

Mains (hyaline-spored Geoglosseae Mycologia 47:846-877, 1955)
olivaceum: color=mainly brown to olivaceous. stipe=smooth. spores=(12)14-20(22)x4-5
viride: color=green. stipe usually furfuraceous.spores=10-18(20)x3,5-5

Nordic Macromycetes vol1
viride: color=dark olive green. stipe olive brown, covered with green scale. spors=15-20x5-6, 4-5 septate.paraphyses=slightly pyriform at the apex
olivaceum:color=olive brown, later more green. stipe smooth, glossy, brown or greenish. spores 11-18x4-6, finally 3 septate. paraphyses not enlarged above

in conclusion, I believe that stipe ornementation and spores features shall be more discriminant than general color.

Enrique Rubio, 31-10-2005 20:25
Enrique Rubio
Thank you, François for your amicale et rapide reponse.
jean-marc moingeon, 02-11-2005 08:46
I've published in"Miscellanea mycologica"( Belgium ) an article about this genius.
I agree with François about ornementation of the stipe and microscopic differences.The color can be different too but all is explain in the article and I can send you by mail a copy to read it.
Jean-Marc Moingeon.
Enrique Rubio, 02-11-2005 20:17
Enrique Rubio
Thank you, Jean Marc.
I will add a new point of wiew: M. olivaceum has ascus pleurorrinchous < 100 ; M.viride has ascus aporrinchous >100.
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-03-2006 22:35
Hans-Otto Baral
I saw this conversation about Microglossum only today. It is right that M. olivaceum has asci consistently arising from croziers and M. viride always from simple septa. Concerning ascus measurements one must know that Benkert mesured the ascus length in dead material. Therefore he found olivaceum to be shorter than 100 µm. But when the asci are alive, they are much much longer: 137-200 in viride and 83-144 in olivaceum (see my key on DVD).
with best regards
Zugna Marino, 17-04-2009 13:00
Zugna Marino
Buongiorno al Forum,
sto' studiando alcuni esemplari che probabilmente sono da ricondurre a M. olivaceum e mi sono sorti dei dubbi in merito.
Qualcuno mi saprebbe dire se Microglossum nudipes è una buona specie oppure è stata sinonimizzata con qualche altra?
Io non trovo alcuna descrizione di M. nudipes, oltre a quella in Grelet1979.

Senza voler intasare il forum con troppe foto, appena possibile posterò il lavoro completo nel forum di Muggia.

Vi ringrazio in anticipo.
Marino Zugna
Luc Bailly, 18-04-2009 11:50
Luc Bailly
"olivaceum : xerophilous places
viride : wet/hygrophilous places."

So wouldn't the ecology be a good way to separate both species as well, and this before verifying with microscopy?