06-02-2025 18:11

Hello, while digging in my fungarium, I found an

06-02-2025 06:25
Bharati MandapatiHi All, I would love some help with this Lasiobel

05-02-2025 04:38
Ethan CrensonHi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten

05-02-2025 18:40

On rotten wood of Pinus, I found some green synne

05-02-2025 11:50
Margot en Geert VullingsOn the inside of Salix bark we found white rosette

05-02-2025 10:54
Adam PolhorskýHello, I'm looking for descriptions of Apodospora

28-02-2017 09:34
Roberta PiniGood morning,I am looking for the paper by Lundqvi
Mniaecia et Epiglia
Mireille Lenne,
28-05-2005 12:12
Est-ce que les auteurs s'accordent à dire que le genre Epiglia est synonyme du genre Mniaecia ?
Si pas, pourquoi ? Et si oui, que sont devenues Epiglia crozalsi(i) (Grelet 1924) et Epiglia gloeocapsae (Boud. 1885) ?
En vous remerciant d'avance pour votre aide.
28-05-2005 15:51
Re:Mniaecia et Epiglia
I suggested these were synonymys in my 1974 Keys. Seems nobody has bothered to transfer those two species from Epiglia to Mniacea. They arre abviously rare and need some serious work before one can assess thieir true status. Some people believe these to be lichens. or "hemilichens" ,(associated with bryophyte protonemata and not algae).
Dick Korf
Dick Korf
Mireille Lenne,
28-05-2005 18:18
Re:Mniaecia et Epiglia
Thank you for letting me know and for repling so promptly.
Could you please send to AscoFrance a copy of your 1974 Keys ?
Thanking you in advance.
Best regards.
Could you please send to AscoFrance a copy of your 1974 Keys ?
Thanking you in advance.
Best regards.
28-05-2005 19:55
Re:Mniaecia et Epiglia
I don't have a copy handy. They are part of the book The Fungi: an advanced treatise, edited by Ainsworth et al., 1973 (NOT 1974!) Chapter 9, Discomycetes and Tuberales, pp 249-319. Maybe a pdf version exists somewhere. If not, I may be able to get one made.
Mireille Lenne,
28-05-2005 21:01
Re:Mniaecia et Epiglia
OK. Thank you. I'll try to find it.
Best regards.
Best regards.