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25-09-2024 22:18

Bometon Javier Bometon Javier

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Dear friends.Looking for a copy of the following w

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Spore sheath in Peziza varia?
Viktorie Halasu, 08-06-2016 17:46
Viktorie HalasuHello all,
I'm trying to determine last week's Peziza, growing on woodchips in deciduous forest. Everything speeks for Peziza varia, only there is a (gelatinous?) sheath around the spores and I didn't find it mentioned for this species (I tried Hohmeyer's key, Donadini's Le genre Peziza dans le sud-est de la France, and Van Vooren's Pezizales de Rhone-Alpes). Is this P. varia (in the wide sense, following Hansen) or another species?

Frb 2,5-8 cm diam, the small one had short stipe (6 × 6-8 mm).
Excipulum with layer of t. intricata in the middle, flanked by layers of t. globulosa (-subangularis). Cells up to 120 um in diam., in the outer layer more elongated.
Paraphyses hyaline, no yellowish granules. Ascus base pleurorhynchous.
Sp. (16,5) 17–19 (19,9) × (9,5) 9,8–10,8 (11,2) um, Me = 18 × 10,2 um, Q = 1,7-1,9 (fresh sporeprint in water), smooth in LACB, eguttulate, with gelatinous (?) sheeth.

Donadini mentions spore sheath for P. megalochondra, but it has far bigger cells in excipulum. P. vesiculosa has bigger spores and yellow granules in paraphyses. P. pseudovesiculosa has fine ornamentation.

Thank you in advance.
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Thomas Læssøe, 08-06-2016 18:23
Re : Spore sheath in Peziza varia?
completely smooth spores + spore sheath sounds wrong for varia in the Hansen sense (better match in the vesiculosa group I guess)
René Dougoud, 08-06-2016 21:16
Re : Spore sheath in Peziza varia?
Cher Collègue,

Sur la base des indications données, je pense effectivement qu'il s'agit de P. varia. Cette espèce présente des ascospores lisses à finnement verruqueuses, mais alors sous un bon microscope optique. Les ascospores présentées par Hansen ont été photographiée au MEB.

P. vesiculosa et P, megalochondra sont à exclures

Thomas Læssøe, 09-06-2016 11:53
Re : Spore sheath in Peziza varia?
This is true (although I can see the ornament by LM in my microscope) but have you seen such a gel sheath in P. varia? (I cannot recall having seen it in this species)
Viktorie Halasu, 11-06-2016 21:37
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Spore sheath in Peziza varia?
Thank you both for your opinions and I'm sorry for such a delayed answer, I wasn't at home and wanted to re-check the ornamentation first. If it is there, I cannot see it with my LM (surely not the best one there is; usually I have sharper images with 40x objective and my 12 Mpx camera, than if I use the 100x objective). The only things colored with LACB were remnants of the sheath, especially on spores still in ascus. 
For now, I will keep both your reasoning in mind while studying similar species in the future. I'd like to ask, though:

Mr. Læssøe: Did you see spore sheaths in some members of the vesiculosa-group too?
I didn't find much literature data on spore sheaths in the genus Peziza in general. (So far, I know only about P. megalochondra, simplex, and this one.)

Karen Hansen, 12-06-2016 12:40
Karen Hansen
Re : Spore sheath in Peziza varia?
It can be difficult to see the spore ornamentation in P. varia in LM if you do not have a good microscope. However, the spore measurements you give are a bit big for P. varia and also it should not have the gelatinous sheath. Your collection could be the "Peziza sp. c" that I listed in our 2002 paper (I attach the paper here). Your spore measurements are on the small side, but it has smooth spores. For the 2002 paper I only saw dried material of "Peziza sp. c" and that may be the reason that I did not see a gelatinous sheath (?). I have collected material since then and I could try to check my notes next week. Did you measure the spores in water? Many species in Peziza s. str. group have spores with a gelatinous sheath (but I said it is only, and not all species, of clade A in our paper 2002). I do not think it is P. vesiculosa (spore size in your collection is too small, I do not see distinct yellow guttules in paraphyses, and the habitat seems wrong).