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25-09-2024 22:18

Bometon Javier Bometon Javier

Apotecios 100 y 350 um, estipitados.Pararafisis la

25-09-2024 14:24

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Rutstroemia, and pos

26-09-2024 17:25

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Does someone have a pdf of this paper? I have it

23-09-2024 17:24

Karen Poulsen

Hi there, I found a few very small apothecia on o

24-09-2024 18:27

Pierre-Yves Julien

Récolte le 01/09/2024 – Paris (75) – France â

25-09-2024 20:07

François Bartholomeeusen

After I dipped a fallen Ilex leaf in water for a d

22-09-2024 20:24

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Dear all, I did found this one on on S. acauli

23-09-2024 20:46

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Gelatinodiscaeae.•

24-09-2024 11:35

Peter Welt Peter Welt

Search Looking for an item again. Who can help? T

06-07-2020 05:51

Yulia Lytvynenko Yulia Lytvynenko

Dear friends.Looking for a copy of the following w

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Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Blasco Rafael, 31-05-2016 19:23
Blasco RafaelMuy parecida en la microscopia , pero diferente color, puede ser la misma que la anterior mandada ????
sobre rama de Pinus sylvestris
diametro mayor medido 0,96
ascas 0,30--0,36 x 3--3,5
esporas 3--4 x 2--2,5
parafisis muy pocas vistas, con apice descentrado 
Un saludo
  • message #43074
  • message #43074
  • message #43074
  • message #43074
  • message #43074
  • message #43074
  • message #43074
  • message #43074
  • message #43074
Hans-Otto Baral, 31-05-2016 21:01
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Looks like typical Orbilia tremulae, as you already had it, this time more yellow.
We had it once on Abies, otherwise on angiosperm wood/bark. How did you recognize conifer wood?
Blasco Rafael, 31-05-2016 21:43
Blasco Rafael
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Hola Zotto
En la zona de recogida solo tenemos Pinus sylvestris y Abies alba, el tronco caido pertenecia a Pinus
Gracias Rafael
Hans-Otto Baral, 31-05-2016 22:54
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
o.k., thanks. This collection I would like to take up, if you send me the collection data.
Blasco Rafael, 01-06-2016 15:14
Blasco Rafael
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Hola Zotto

fecha 19-05-16
en ramas de Pinus sylvestris
camino en orilla pantano de Paso Nuevo, Benasque, Huesca 
Altitud 1372
UTM 31
Latitud   42º  38'  18,91"  N
Longitud  0º  33'  44,22"  E 

Un saludo
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2016 16:43
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Thanks! I arrive at 1345 m about 100 m from the shore at the northeast end of the lake, is that o.k.? The branch was not lying in water but on moist ground?
Blasco Rafael, 01-06-2016 17:01
Blasco Rafael
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Si la zona esta bien, pero la rama estaba sobre la hierba, fuera de agua a unos 50--70 m
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2016 17:16
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Thanks! Did you keep a specimen?
R.B. 19-05-16-???-BE

The white ones are also from this place?
Blasco Rafael, 01-06-2016 18:04
Blasco Rafael
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Si guardo de los dos,
pueden estar a una distancia de 50 m unos de otros, en el mismo camino.

Es mejor guardarlos separados y distinto nº de herbario ????????

Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2016 18:11
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Yes, it is better because the colour fades in the herbarium and in some years you will not see the difference!
Blasco Rafael, 01-06-2016 18:12
Blasco Rafael
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Gracias Zotto
las guardo separadas
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2016 18:16
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
please let me know the number.
Blasco Rafael, 01-06-2016 18:20
Blasco Rafael
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
Blanca    RB-19-05-16-932-BE
Amarilla  RB-19-05-16-933-BE
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-06-2016 18:32
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Orbilia 2 Pinus sylvestris
thanks :-)